Free Speech is just available in the US. My country has free speech too but it's not the very first thing in its constitution, it clearly states censorship is forbidden aaaand also threats, inciting violence, defamation and so on are illegal. This is the case with most countries. "Free speech is a right" but all the amendments to it turn it into a very gray area so the authorities can still get you if they don't like you.
The culture of victimhood is a clear-cut attack on free speech. I'm no legal expert whatsoever but a threat is illegal in most countries and I know in the US it's a questionable issue. A threat is a threat only if the person receiving it considers it a threat, i.e. they're "feeling unsafe". If the law allows you to claim a status of victimhood solely based on your testimony then practically speaking self-censorship becomes a duty of any law-abiding citizen. It's a pretty clever idea, you can't censor other people over something specific, but other people can censor themselves, therefore if you make it illegal for people not to censor themselves then you have effectively killed free speech.