Why not move to the USA? Or Ireland?
Functional: Kind of makes me think of the fully functional bit of speech from STTNG and subsequent Merchant of Venice paraphrase.
Codependent: noticed the phrase used quite a bit recently. I'd say my parents are codependent to a large degree. Not sure how normal it is, but only really talked to my father as in having a conversation maybe roughly 10 hours or less don't remember the topics, just my own intuitive feeling. Father is kind of narcissistic, but mostly cold, stubborn, pig-headed, the question "compared to what comes to mind".
Mother not narcissistic, but reclusive, although she talks a lot when she meets people. mostly small talk though. Over protective perhaps, I remember when I was 5 watching on TV about the James Bulger Killers(2 ten year olds, that tortured and murdered a 2 year old). Knew the world was kind of messed up at that point, was disillusioned and wondered how 2 murderers had more stuff than I did, when I wasn't permitted to go outside. Kind of torturing in a way, my verbal understanding was greater than my mothers at that point. Felt suicidal, would have preferred to live with my grandparents if given the choice. Grandfather was more intelligent than my father, could afford a colour TV in the 60's and take the car with them on holiday on the train, also had more things in common.
Present day feel kind of shitty really, lack of heart. I guess the UK isn't as bad as Sweden in many respects, but it probably ain't far off. When the EU opened the borders to Eastern Europe Sweden and the UK put no limits on immigration made the area where I presently live, kind of bad for trainee wages. Though what I really dislike is the numbers of people. Personally lack ambition, though a lot of work around where I live looks like slavery almost. But I also feel judged in a way. So thinking of how to either get out of the area completely(hello Northwest Territories or Outback?) or how best to inform people of the shit that goes on and try and do something about it.