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  1. Compare that with The first two sentence of Das Kapital and then a cursory glance to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_(Marxism) and you will realize that your presentation is subcomplex to the issue at hand.
    1 point
  2. Well, I used to be a Communist back when I was indoctrinated in high school, and eventually I grew out of that into AnCap. However I have to concur that the rationale for being a communist is far more personal and twisted than a matter of reason. The rationalization is merely an excuse to hide the underlying crazy.
    1 point
  3. human form and attributes vary greatly. and the fertilized egg exists. The fertilized egg is human because it doesn't grow into a giraffe. A human being is cells, literally! The same argument used to support abortion is the same argument used to justify genocide. The the ones being killed are not human. It's considered immoral to murder, doesn't mean people won't do it. You're making my point for me, anyone who isn't able to mentally function is considered not human to you. This is what I mean about being able to justify murder. I never once stated I know whats best for anyone, try again? I'm simply arguing that abortion is murder by definition which is immoral. I never said you couldn't do it. What you do with that information is entirely up to you.
    1 point
  4. Objectively speaking a human being begins when sperm meets egg. Otherwise I could argue that anyone not human. Once the egg is fertilized by the sperm it will grow and mature, saying well you're not human until some arbitrary point in development is intellectually dishonest and can be used to justify killing anyone. An egg by itself will not grow and mature, neither can sperm. Only when combined is the human formed. If rights exist why are they constantly violated? Rights by definition cannot be violated, the reality is all you have are privileges given to you by those that call themselves government. You're making an assumption the mute can write, that may not be the case. what about someone who is not disabled in anyway but doesn't know how to say no? or speaks a different language that you don't understand? Saying no one wants the child so its ok to kill said child is silly. If no one wanted the child why did they make said child in the first place? Pregnancy is extremely easy to prevent. No excuses. Making a bad choice does not make it ok for you to murder.
    1 point
  5. Imagine an equation, such as a2+b2=c2. Now, draw a right triangle with sides 3,4,5. Presuming all sensations and thoughts are associated with brain states, we can't say a percept is more "outside" of your brain than a thought is. So, the equation is "inside" your brain just as the percept is. Is whatever is generating the equation the same as, or the same kind as, whatever is generating the perceptual triangle? Mathematics is said to be the language of nature--could both it and perceptual nature be coming from the same source? What do they have in common? Their common quality is that they are both involved in mankind's search for Truth. Empiricism and mathematics are both key to discovering scientific principles. The Universe is so set up as for it to obey man when he discovers and employs said principle. This nature is built into the human mind, so that the human mind contains all Truth in an obscured fashion. Full comprehension of that Truth is possible only in principle, not in practice—in practice man can only grasp the Truth fractionally in terms of universal principles or shards of the Truth. When we interact with the Universe, then, what we find are either “shards of Truth” (principles), or conscious beings (humans, dogs, possibly insects), or else “shadows” of the interplay of the Truth on what our minds identify as our nervous systems. Principles, individuals, and the amorphous totality of Truth. What is the ontological status of the Universe? I propose the Universe is the thought of God, in the sense that the Universe is creative astrophysically, microphysically, and bio-evolutionarily, but does not have consciousness of any kind in of itself, any more than the Platonic archetypes have consciousness. It is all in the mind of God. What we experience day-to-day through our perception and thoughts is how our minds approach the thoughts of God, and the overall impression of space, solidity, colour, vividness, immediacy, logicality, and so on is a convenience for us but only represents a shadow, “through a glass darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12).
    1 point
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