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  1. Well, years ago one could read about different opinions concerning global warming. I remember an article in the "SPIEGEL" (big german magazin) where a biologist gave lecture on the benefits of a warmer climate. There were discussions e.g. about the Sahara and wether this desert would become more green or more dry. Gradually the tone changed from a discussion to alarmism. We all had to change behaviour, drive less, heat less, eat less, but pay more to save the world. The west supposedly is responsible for drought in other countries, causing people to starve and to flee, for rising sea levels and so on. Peak of hysteria was a professor (for music) in the Austrian city Graz who demanded death penalty for everbody who denied a global warming. Todesstrafe für Leugner des Klimawandels (german). Most opposite views vanished from the mainstream media and moved to blogs, many of them pretty scientific and backed up by data. Sahara is becoming greener, the number of polar bears is greater than some years ago, and the global climate does not match in any way the predictions made by the state scientists, it´s cooler. The rise of the sea level(s) is slowly but steadily the same til the end of the last ice age. The only source who comes to a different conclusion is NASA with satelitet data. NASA claims a higher rise, but its one source against many monitoring stations around the globe. And as we know, EU want the rising sea level to grant asylum for refugees. The PIK, the "Potsdamer Institut für Klimaforschung" (institute for climate research) is completely state ownend. Everbyody can read their work in the net, they provide two variations: The first is pretty scientific, they admit that reality does not match predictions. The second is a much shorter dossier distributed among politics and media. And in this dossier one can read that every measure has to be taken to prevent the climate becoming hell. Furthermore, the AGW fabrication is utilized e.g. by Angel Merkel to increase state power. 500 billions Euro are the costs of the so called "Energiewende" so far. Meanwhile even some mainstream media question this waste of money, however a small number of journalists (the best, of course) left the state media and make their own blogs. Politicians talk about banning the gas driven cars within the next 13 years or so. I personally hope they make it earlier. Still too many people are not aware how fascism sneaks in, and what of manness is left in Europe might fortuntately end in an uprise when they come and take away your car regards Andi
    1 point
  2. Just finished The Big Lie from Dinesh D´Souza. Highly recommended. About the roots of fascism. Many interesting facts, most of them completely new to me, about the history of Democrats and their ties to slavery, rassism and their movements towards a centralized state, i.e. fascism. Gives sound information and ammunition for the dicussion of Trump and his presidency. As suspected - the fascists are on the left. regards Andi
    1 point
  3. Potential world changing post incoming. When it comes to race relations, a lot of people like to only ever consider their groups' race or creed and the plight they are experiencing. For the longest time that used to be me as well. As I grew up, even though I'm not white, I began to understand the struggles my fellow brothers and sisters in the pursuit of truth were going through on a daily basis. With this post I wish to shed some light on some misconceptions about slavery and America's if not the Western civilizations' history. If anyone out there who is Black still harbors grudges and resentment against white people for slavery in this country buckle in because you are about to get a history lesson. As it turns out slavery was a not a practice unique to America or the West in general. It was the British who first abolished the immoral institution in 1833: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/…/b…/rights/abolition.htmNot only was the West the first to abolish the practice, when it did unfortunately happen, the tradition of Protestant Revisionism allowed the people of the West to realize how evil slavery truly was and to reform their ideas and behavior.This is in stark contrast to say The Middle East slave trade where men and women were castrated in order to reduce their population numbers and keep them subservient. Overall, the slaves that did end up going to the West were treated far better than those who were unlucky enough to find themselves in Saudi Arabia, or Qatar. I don't see many if any American Africans traveling to the royal halls of the Saudi Prince to demand reparations from him. http://atlantablackstar.com/…/10-facts-about-the-arab-ensl…/This brings us to the present, where we have massive mobs of ungrateful, unruly African Americans who demand that the system be crushed and replaced. Replaced with what exactly? Socialism? I am certain we don't want to go down that road again given the preponderance of evidence showing Socialism's failures: https://www.aei.org/publication/why-socialism-always-fails/If you managed to stay with me this far what I have to say is this. Stop being unruly, disrespectful, hooligans and starting acting as if you possess an iota of dignity. Being an immigrant from Nairobi, Kenya it drives crazy to see how ungrateful and immature most Africans are when they are living like kings in the wealthiest nation ever to exist on the face of the earth populated by some of the most generous, patient, compassionate, loving, and peaceful people ever in human history. The idea that we as a group of people cannot coexist or even thrive with our less melanined fellow humans is a toxic idea that must be overcome. I like to think I and many others are living proof of this possibility. Love thy neighbor as one loves thy family and many of the "issues" we need to address vanish into thin air. Peace, love, and philosophy. #TheWestIsTheBest What do people think about this post? Did I get anything wrong? Was my analysis to brief?
    1 point
  4. There is an outstanding book on race relations in America that can even be enjoyed by swiply normies. https://www.amazon.com/Bowling-Alone-Collapse-American-Community/dp/0743203046/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479214193&sr=8-1&keywords=bowling+alone
    1 point
  5. Your analysis is correct, and given the space you had to write, you did a good job. You missed out how slavery was an institution that was only allowed to succeed by government itself. To name a few such causes: Humans were allowed to be legal property, just as the walls of your house are - if you're renting your house, you are not allowed to destroy the walls of your house. The same applied to slaves - if you were renting a house that came with slaves attached, you were not allowed to free the slaves. The U.S. Government conscripted citizens (usually non-slave-owners) to spend hours each week patrolling an area and searching for any run-away slaves. This was not voluntary, and there was minimal if any pay. I recently read a book that I'm sure you would be extremely interested in: Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks & White Liberals". It's fantastic.
    1 point
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