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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2017 in all areas

  1. Public education matters because it is the only education that exists, and even though it is coercive and evil, it is still a tool for providing some knowledge necessary for life. I would love to include homeschooling stats, but so far, even in the countries where it is legal, relatively insignificant number of people are homeschooled or unschooled. I have been traveling constantly since I was 3. And I can attest to the fact that it does help with education. For example, most of what Mr.Molyneux says about racial and cultural differences has always been glaringly obvious to me. When I go to Asia, I have to become a completely different person to what I am in Europe. So I am wll aware of why racial and cultural clashes happen. I think that is a fair criterion to consider, but I am not sure how to measure that across countries. As far as I am concerned, I am still not sure how property works. It strikes me as weird that the government can confiscate your land at any moment. Which means that it does not truly belong to you. Idk... going to have to do a bit more research on the points you gave. That is some very helpful insight you provided. So is Chile actually how it shows in the stats, or does it look a abit different on the ground? Also, which country did you place your vote on?
    1 point
  2. You guys in here seem really smart, and maybe you've experienced this yourself. I'm wondering if you can give me your perspective on how my girlfriend and I confront abusive parents and let me know any tips or advice from your own experience if you do the same. About a year back me and my girlfriend decided that when we see a parent abusing a child, either physically or verbally, we would confront the parent (making sure to do this in front of the child) and calmly but sternly point out that what they're doing is wrong and why repeatedly until the parent either admits fault and apologizes or walks off taking their child with them. This is a very scary process, especially for me, and I'm ashamed to say that I've chickened out on a number of occasions when abusive parenting was going on in front of me, however, I'm currently going through Internal Family Systems therapy which is helping me to manage that fear. We felt that we couldn't physically do anything unless the abuse was something more universally accepted as abuse, as though we want to live our principles we don't want to be arrested or dragged into court. We also don't confront parents like this at work as we don't want to run the risk of being fired and need our jobs to support ourselves. We felt this was the best way to pursue our value of peaceful parenting as we believe it at least gives the child the idea that there is another perspective out there and shows them how their parents react to calm and assertive criticism. We don't go into it intending to change the parents mind as this almost never happens and in fact we've never gotten a parent to apologize or admit fault. Does this sound like a solid approach to confronting abusive parents? Is there anyway to do it more effectively? What are your own experiences confronting abusive parents? Is there a way we could confront them at work without risking losing our jobs? Is there a way you've found to manage your fear (if you have it) when confronting an abusive parent? I would really appreciate any and all responses to these questions. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. While finding a red-pilled / FDR therapist can be nice, it's not necessary to achieve your personal growth goals. A therapist with similar values, like a Christain therapist, for instance, is an option in a small town. That being said I have heard Max Tsymbalau is good, and he offers online sessions. http://www.maxcounseling.com/ If you're looking for general tips on finding a great therapist check out my book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Find-Great-Therapist-Surviving-ebook/dp/B0713XF6DN/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499877540&sr=8-1&keywords=how+to+find+a+great+therapist
    -1 points
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