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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2017 in all areas

  1. Czechslovakia, Soviet Union (arguable), Breakup of the Benelux countries, just to name a few current ones. Hi, Will 001 In my humble opinion, the USA cannot be partitioned (for now at least) for the same reason that Switzerland cannot be. The country is founded on ideological grounds, not nationalistic, historic, ethnic, genetic or lingual. These aspects play a role, sure, but they are trumped by the American Idea. If however, the Americans choose to place genetics, race, or whatever else over ideology, then partitioning is inevitable. But I think that is far from happening, despite what the alt-right and the leftists have been doing. I would be far more concerned about France and Germany in your stead.
    1 point
  2. Just a thought I had. Amazon is a bastion of the regressive left, yet Stefan sells his book there. Youtube is a cancer on the internet, but Stefan uses it to push his videos. I know they're not monetized, but he's still driving hundreds of thousands of users to the site. What are your thoughts on this?
    -1 points
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