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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2017 in all areas

  1. What works for me is simple one-phrase pieces of wisdom. An example worthy of mentioning here is by Mike Cernovich (or at least he's the one I heard it from): If you won't write your own story someone else will write it for you.
    1 point
  2. IMO, having one good person in your life is infinity preferable to having a whole network of bad people or sub-par people.
    1 point
  3. Gattaca There will always be people that will feel resentful towards those who are better, generally we call them communists. There are people who are content with whom they are and do not feel resentful towards the ones which were more blessed, generally we call them christians. There are people who are better and choose to indulge themselves with what life has to offer, we call these people entertainment. There are people who are better and choose to use their gifts for the betterment of mankind, we call these people heroes. There are people however that find strength through weakness, knowing your limitations makes you prepare to conquer every obstacle, generally we would call such a person Batman. Thing is about sci-fi plots they're more often than not about the present. I believe in free will and I thing we have the choice which type of person we want to become.
    1 point
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