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  1. Socialization is defined by a psychologist as the praxis of conditioning children to conform to the rules and norms of society. A person is verbally expressed to be well socialized if he believes in and complies with the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem preposterous to verbalize that many leftists are over-socialized, since the leftist is perceived as a revolter. Nevertheless, the position can be bulwarked. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem. In fact they are so over-socialized that they “continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions” to verbatim the Unabomber. When I was an atheist, I use to equate the SJW with the Religious Right who went on a Pedo-Satanist witch hunt during the 1980s and attempted to ban rock/metal music(I am a connoisseur of music, metal, hard rock, and punk in particular. This change when I became a Christian, this year. Albeit, I often ask myself that if I am being sanctimonious when I find myself sounding like Rick “Butt-Juice” Santorum”(I am against marijuana and yet it seems immoral to poke your nose into others business especially when it does not harm) In a way the Oversocialized Christian fundamentalist produced a mirror image of themselves(the Cultural Marxist). Anyway, enough my unintelligible rambling. My question is how to create a cultural economic policy(I wonder if the *Amish capitalism led to Crony, consumerist, and degenerate capitalism but I do oppose any if not all state intervention. In fact I think the expansion of the State’s entanglement with economic matters help capitalism to become bloated and degenerate) that will not led to a class of over socialized opposition and/or we become oversocialized ourselves? Or consider the opposite, if we try to avoid the issue, will we become nihilist, such as the fate of the Libertarian Party and their spiritual counterpart The *Church of Satan/ LaVeyan Satanism who was founded by an ex-carnie whose “dream-girl” is no other than (((Ayn Rand)))? *The Amish are know for piety and their work ethic which I admire despite me being an Orthodox Christian. *Oddly enough it is states on the Church of Satan’s website that a Marxist could join if he or she wishes. Egregious right, considering Ayn Rand is the complete opposite of Jewish Faggot and full-time Santa,(((Karl Marx)))? Albeit, both were materialism.
    1 point
  2. I am super fascinated by female psychology. As a young boy, I use to try first to understand, and rationalize. I no longer do that. I simply do not have the time for it. I approach and pursue. Either a girl is interested or she is not. Any form of ambivalence sends me into the next set of approach. I would not say you are a bad person. I find society promotes this 'get out of jail free card' for women. Just scream white privilege or misogyny and it is suppose to negate any form of constructive criticism. I credit you though for seeking self-knowledge. FDR is mainly a male audience. More women are definitely welcome. A lot of men are stupid to by negating said constructive criticisms based upon a woman's appearance as it does not last and the problems remain. A lot of guys get duped by looks. Like you, I am seeking self-knowledge, working on putting my talents, and skills forth. I want to accumulate the sort of resources to live a good life. Ideally, I would like to meet the sort of woman first before accumulating that sort of lifestyle otherwise, I would much prefer to just be single and use bumble (lol). I don't blame you. I respect your seeking change. I work with a lot of women over the years. Many are entitled as fuck. They can party, drink, sleep around, and can't cook or clean themselves. Many spent their youth running through bad boys, have cratered SMV, and are pissed off they cannot get the ring. You did not take this life path. You have two kids. You've built a life together with this man. Similar to A.A., awareness is the first step. Changing this sort of behavior is ideal as the kids will see become aware of it be it consciously or unconsciously. Become aware of what behaviors your husband is doing that triggers this. If showing a woman affection triggers this, therapy maybe an ideal route to take. Welcome to FDR. Good luck on your journey and relationship.
    1 point
  3. Read on the experiment itself. The "observer" in the text refers to the photon detecting device and not the scientist performing the experiment (i.e. the person observing the results). Light behaves like a wave 99.(9)% of the time with THE EXCEPTION of when a photon detecting device interferes with the light wave. Waves produce interference, that is why light produces interference. The question is not why particles behave like waves. the question is how does the photon detecting device change the properties of light so it behaves like a particle. Saying light behaves like both a particle and wave at the same time is factually innaccurate. In one situation you have light traveling through two slits producing an interference pattern (as expected). In another situation you have light interacting with a device and producing a different result (as expected because if you add an extra variable or tamper with the experiment in any way you will get a different result). These two scenarios are not equivalent.
    1 point
  4. The analogy has the effect of making people believe they understand quantum theory in the same way the Sun's size has the effect of making people believe the Earth is flat.
    1 point
  5. A man has a plant. Another man dislikes the possession of said plant. The second man says to the first man, “give me that plant so that I can destroy it.” First man says, “uhh, no.” Second man pulls out a gun and says, “I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood, that was not a request. Give me that plant so that I can destroy it. And oh by the way, you’re coming with me so that I can “rehabilitate” you by locking you in a cage where you will need to adapt to a base criminal element and be rendered inadmissible to society for the remainder of your life - oh and there’s a good chance you might be raped. You may be thinking right now of resisting this obviously unjust use of force against you, but I assure you, that if you do, you will be met with such an insurmountable, overwhelming force that you will eventually either succumb or cease to draw breath.” So kidnapping, raping, murdering, destroying someone’s life; these things are fine as long as they actually stopped people from using marijuana? Also, would you follow the same policy for alcohol if it were effective?
    1 point
  6. This whole video is about "awareness". Let's see how aware you are. 1. Where is the group who produced this video geographically located? 2. What is the political climate in this geographical area? 3. What is the general age of those who produced this video? 4. Describe the style of this video. 5. In 2004, another documentary was released. This documentary focused on quantum mechanics, consciousness, and self-awareness. Overall, what were some of the opinions about the documentary of the scientists interviewed for the documentary? Who was featured at the climax of the documentary? What is "special" about this person? 6. What decade did the quantum mechanics/consciousness narrative enter the zeitgeist. When did it go out of vogue? (and why?) When did it reappear? 7. 8. What's the difference in presentation between your video and this video? 9. The documentary opens "The following documentary presents new developments in neuroscience and a solution to the many current unsolved problems in physics. While it keeps clear of metaphysical correlations and is solely focused on scientific verifiable data, it also has philosophical repercussions of life, death, and the origin of the universe. Due to its many layers and density of presentation, it may require multiple viewings to fully comprehend its implications. Even though considerable effort has been made to simplify the complex scientific concepts that are discussed. Furthermore, I would like to thank the author to follow and report on his work, as he wanted to remain dedicated to his research and avoid becoming involved in its media coverage." What does this tell you about what follows? 10. Compare and contrast the music styles of your video and the video I posted. 11. What do these two have in common? I think that's enough to get us started.
    1 point
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