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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2017 in all areas

  1. Something about this "always believe women" meme strikes me as women transferring the belief in them that their male relations would normally have, to their daddy government. Government should always believe women in this idea. Cue ropes and shotguns. Imagine the savings! No more trials, no more judges and prisons, just a lynch mob, a pussy hat, and some dumb schmuck who pinched a woman's ass on a dare.
    1 point
  2. Stefan argues to wait for daddy government and the state to fail. For women to need men again. This is not an argument nor a solution. If not Trad, GTFO! I am not saying i wont take a throater, I wont blow on her face but, i sure as fuck am not playing the LTR game with western women. Its not happening. I am not raising the alpha male's baby. I am not dating cratered sexual market value. The ring is a joke these days. A very few select amount of women deserve it. When you factor in the way bulking cycle happens magically after getting married, how the throaters disappear, and how suddenly, she has low libido thereafter, its not a smart decision in the west. It has not been for sometime not to mention the fallout, the extraction of male resources, and the series of tyrannical entitled women. In other news, a woman age 18 aged for my facebook add. Meanwhile, some woman more my age is shaking her ass in the bar, daughter is left at home with her hubby, and she is drunk dialing men. #MONOGAMY #CUCKOLDRY #BETAMALES #NOSPINE
    1 point
  3. well said @Wuzzums Hi @Spladam Couldn't have said it better myself... Why that's true? Because if you don't know what you bring to the table, you can be sure the other person doesn't know neither... 'Blind leads the...' Consider this than. Firstly a quote from you.. How can you know what you could do for the rest of your life? I'm not saying that you can't, I'm just saying : What if you are wrong? Wouldn't it be better to have an open mind? Furthermore, do you want that? You could. In which case, more power to you and hope you'll be happy getting what you pay for. There are monks living solitary lives on mountains, invisible next-door neighbours, night shift security guards collecting all the latest episodes of Game of Thrones. (which is also fine if that is your thing) Lastly, a personal observation with no offense intended. (if you are mgtow, feel free to disregard if you'd like my amateur opinions) MGTOW, the life they choose always appears to be as lacking to me. Missing. Lonesome and unsatisfactory, regardless of it's perks. I see it as a natural and understandable reaction to immense suffering and not being able to cope with a major disappointment. But that's it. Being stuck in hiding, within the reinforced stone walls of a Castle that's built of the finest running sand. However strong it might seem from the outside, it's slowly sinking into the nothingness. Loose foundations will gobble up the strongest structures eventually. 'Pay me now or pay me later, but you will pay me.' Pay attention to the red flags, no-one just finds himself betrayed, disappointed, left behind for no reason. People who claim to have been unjustly exploited, seems to be the worst at self-knowledge. Perhaps the MGTOW community could gain a lot by working on that. All the best, Barnsley
    1 point
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