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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Even if I was a snowflake I'd choose that over being a brainless asshole who has no solutions and just puts people down
    1 point
  2. I don't completely agree with Adam but I do on this point. People who move here and get welfare or other services are not stealing. They are dumb, they don't know where it comes from. The IRS and other people running the government entities are the ones stealing. If I am a known thief in town and you just move here and I say "Hey buddy, I am just a nice guy, I sell all new people to town a beautiful 75" TV for only $20. Do you want it?" and you buy it, you are not knowingly part of my criminal enterprise. Now if you purposely know, then sure. I don't think people who are low IQ AND uneducated have thought one second about how government even works.
    -1 points
  3. Same here. It was painful to listen to. I remember Milo saying "Atheism is so boring". Anarchism/libertarianism is every bit as boring to me at the moment.
    -1 points
  4. This is about 50% of the whole discussion, the other 50% is the fact (that Adam brought up in the beginning) the government is the real initiator, not the immigrants. When Stefan responded with "but immigrants bring in more crime" Stefan is making a collectivist argument AND a strawman. (Illegal) immigrants coming into the country are not the real initiators in this situation, not even when we accept that they generally bring in more crime and have higher rates of crimes within their own population/group. The real initiators are the immigrants who commit [immoral actions], so not all of them. That is the mistake and strawman Stefan made. In this debate Stefan has subjectivized UPB and until he rectifies this, I, unfortunately, cannot take his word too seriously anymore.
    -1 points
  5. So you are saying everyone who regularly buys things at swap meets and flea markets and such are ALL thiefs. If one buys enough things from places like they they will eventually buy at least one stolen item. That would make them a thief. Even though they have no involvement in coercive activity and no knowledge of it. So if you ever shopped at walmart you are a thief too. They get tax money in subsidies, they use that money to lower the costs of their goods. You buy discounted goods, discounted using tax funds. Anyone who ever shopped at walmart is a thief. I am not buying your logic. I don't think someone who is only committing what is believed to be a legal and consensual and voluntary activity can be accountable for theft. For example if you own a car and its parked in your driveway with the key in it. You are inside taking a shower. I stop a guy named Joe on the street and offer to sell the car for $1000. He agrees. I hand him the key and he drives off. Joe did not steal the car, I stole it and sold it.
    -1 points
  6. I don't know if you remember before you considered government but I am sure before you did you didn't understand the concept either. If I do agree with what you are saying I would also say just as much you would know walmart relies on government subsidies and shopping there is also theft.
    -1 points
  7. Not really. Most people don't pay taxes and you cannot take taxes paid vs benefits received and calculate what you may take because it is only partially fungible (federal vs state vs local vs other local etc) and often not measurable. If I pay $10,000 in taxes, how much can I buy from walmart before I get more than $10,000 in benefits back which would then become theft? You cannot measure that. Plus calculate in things like use of roads etc. But again, most people pay net negative into the system, they would all be stealing, whether they are a citizen or not.
    -1 points
  8. When has Stefan ever been against truth? My question does not change the truth of whether people on here have personality disorders or not. Are you afraid of what the results might be or something? I am asking to the people who up voted the post saying this was an insult to the community. How would attempting to discover truth, in a self knowledge forum, run by a guy who is a believer of truth, be an insult?
    -1 points
  9. Just curious if there is a greater, lesser or different spread of personality disordered individuals versus the standard population, who are of the mindset of this kind of community (libertarian, conservative, ancap, etc) My background is in philosophy, psychology and economics. So I do have a hypothesis of what the results might be and if the data says anything interesting I will be happy to share my thoughts.
    -1 points
  10. Self knowledge is about knowing yourself, if you fall into these kinds of behaviors you OUGHT to consciously realize you do instead of being confused by life. But if you think self knowledge is only about recognizing the good things about yourself you may be a narcissist. Something to look into. If I voted first, people would know what my vote was. It is supposed to be anonymous. I intend to vote (if I haven't already). What does this have to do with the post? Are you simply just trying to poison the well? Said in a southern accent, "We don't take kindly to fallacious arguments around here, boy." I said "we" so whatever I said I felt it was ok to use to talk about myself and I don't often go around being disrespectful to myself. Maybe you just get offended easily by semantics. So self knowledge is an insult. Got it. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.
    -2 points
  11. Edited my first post for more sensitive readers.
    -2 points
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