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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey, I'm in NJ too. The only advice I have is that you have to get your own life in order first before trying to change the world. You are the only one who you have the power to change. The government is going to do what the government is going to do whether you like it or not. Being underemployed isn't a good thing, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing either. I was working a job for a while that I absolutely despised but I realized that since I could do it on autopilot, I had 40 hours every week that I could dedicate to reading, thinking, etc.. It took a long time for me to realize it, but centrally planning your life is a bad idea because you're probably right where you need to be at this time in your life.
    1 point
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