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  1. I am sorry to say I need to cancel my monthly donation due to financial issues. How do I do that? Regrettfully Transtafl
    1 point
  2. Question 1: [1:26] – “I have been monogamously (stopped the meaningless, casual stuff for 9 months now) dating a college educated, liberal, slightly feminist, Hispanic woman, well raised by her two married parents, for 6 months now and I am slowly attempting to open and stretch her mind to a different point of view. I believe I am making progress, but I don't want her to change her views just because I think a certain way. I am seriously considering her to be my wife and would like her to lead the same values I have acquired and raise my children with the morals of a responsible citizen and child of God. Fortunately, she is not someone who is opposed to listening. Can a catholic die-hard liberal/feminist be suitable for marriage and raising morally responsible children? If so, what’s the best way to approach stretching her mind with logic and reason?” Question 2: [1:08:39] – “I have recently had my 12-year-old stepson swallow a fistful of Advil, then when nothing obvious happened he doubled the dose the following day. Fortunately, he got nervous and came clean and I spent the evening with him in the ER and then overnight in the City's children's clinic. The doctors tell us he is very fortunate to be alive and not have any long term kidney damage. He seems like he is back to normal but I of course thought things where pretty good when he did it. How do I keep something like this from happening again?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
    1 point
  3. Hi everyone! I went to see Stefan and Lauren's talks in Melbourne and made a vlog about it, figured people here would enjoy it. Here:
    1 point
  4. Hi @J.L.W Don't think it is sensible or beneficial to see those as 'the tide's turning', not at least for now. It's a common card, up the Devil's sleeve to instill false hope or paint achievement ahead of true change so that we lessen our efforts or loosen our grip on what's Evil and had summoned our well-deserved opposition. No no no, signing up to a gym membership and loosing weight is only but the first step towards keeping the weight off or objectively declaring a new heading after DECADES of indulgence in avoidance and 'war on virtue'. Not to mention, our tribalistic, irrational nature has changed little throughout the THOUSANDS OF YEARS so expecting a major update to humanity so soon is crazy in my opinion. (Not saying/implying you did, I'm just making a point.) I don't think we can (or should) win as a whole realistically. I think we should make long overdue updates and just stand for what is right. That's it, practise what we preach more, no abstractions required. I for one make a conscious effort holding myself to the principles of NAP and RTR as much as I can. - - - /18-08-2018/ Hi 'doorbell enthusiast', Thanks for your continued interest here and in many other threads recently (month or so). Don't be afraid to make an argument, I don't bite... generally
    -1 points
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