Old boys club. Collectivist mindset. You can't play by their rules, which are contradictory. What to do, not really sure, a lot of thoughts come to mind...., productive action other than what Stefan is doing??? Some coordination might be helpful.
For the most part I don't think it is intentional, but unconscious. Whats annoying sometimes is when collectivists contradict themselves within the same sentence or paragraph.
Like with the concentration camps, killing individuals. Cubans, Boers and Europeans. None of my relatives were killed, not that I have that many. Had a grandfather POW(was a pilot), that was going to be shipped to the gas chambers at Leipzig before the train tracks were bombed by the RAF. Was interesting reading his diary that the behaviour of the station attendants was similar("friendly"), as described in a similar situation "Mans Search for Meaning" Vicktor Frankl, though the people weren't as fortunate, pretty horrific reading the book.