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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2018 in all areas

  1. 4. ILS - Music 5. Pat Metheney - Icefire /12-08-2018/ I c u incognito voter, Thanks here also. You're doing great, cheers!
    -1 points
  2. 496. Dj Krush - Four Elements, Yes To Life, Just Be Good To Me 497. Pat Metheny - Letter From Home
    -1 points
  3. Hi thinkers and alike, This thread is aimed at bringing you music of all walks. (That are a value hopefully, facilitating immersion) Allow me to start by recommending 1. μ-Ziq - Hasty Boom Alert 2. Bela Fleck - Vix 9 3. Four Tet - Glue of the world please enjoy, Barnsley /12-08-2018/ Hello Shadow Voter, Thanks for your interest and the new views also. Running out of ideas, huh? Well, don't be afraid to make an argument, I don't generally bite ..
    -1 points
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