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  1. In my country people say "a lake doesn't wear from use". I answer "a human is not a lake". What we do leaves a mark. Every choice counts. You get used to getting used or using others, you're not going to be a good long term relationship prospect.
    1 point
  2. Precisely! I'm sure the Koch foundation will get right on it after they've successfully cloned Ayn Rand
    1 point
  3. Traditional intelligence deals with understanding of facts, logic and reasoning whereas emotional intelligence deals with understanding people's feelings. For example someone who's venting may tell you a bunch of stuff that is factually inaccurate. The emotionally intelligent thing to do in this scenario is to empathize with him as opposed to correcting his factual errors. Emotional intelligence focuses on why someone is telling you something (what emotions are driving the conversation) as opposed to what is being said factually and then using this information to respond in an emotionally correct fashion (as opposed to replying with a factually correct answer). If you're looking for a great introduction into basic emotional intelligence I highly recommend the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman; your local library should have it in stock. As far as Peterson goes, from what I've observed he's a very factually and data driven kind of person. I've seen a few of his debates with others and he has a habit of leaving his conversation partners behind with the way he expresses himself. I'm not saying he's a robot but I do think it's a fair statement to make that he values factual accuracy over speaking in a way that's clear for the average layman to follow. Note if you're posting on this board your likely not an average layman :)
    1 point
  4. The part about Peterson lacking emotional intelligence (1) or us needing both to succeed (2)? (1) This one's easy. Someone who's good at employing emotional intelligence usually has charisma. Peterson is like a white version of Ted Cruz; well spoken but socially awkward and hard for the common man to relate to. (2) For this one I'd point to Scott Adams' book Win Bigly that chronicles Trump's presidential victory over his rivals while utilizing 4D Chess techniques aka advanced emotional intelligence.
    1 point
  5. My take on the issue you described is that both content of character and race matter, not just one or the other. The genetic traits of the population matter and the moral character of the population matters as well. Human nature includes both aspects of selfishness and groupishness (Jonathan Haidt) therefore, logically, society ought to be organized around both individual liberties and natural in-group preference. Whenever we ignore one aspect of humanity in favor of another problems end up occurring. Assuming the Alt-Right gained significant political power, which it needs to do for Western culture to reverse the current out-group preference to a more natural in-group preference, it would likely be organized on the political left (white collectivists) leaving the individualists on the political right (whites and non-whites) to balance out the equation, hopefully leaving unassimilable minority groups without significant national political representation. I do believe there's a realistic chance for the Alt-Right to take over a portion of the Democrat party (white collectivists) using divide and conquer tactics if they can embrace emotional intelligence. I'd gladly take a political compromise between natural in-group preference and individual liberties over the current status quo. Agree with you 100%. I understand people's impulse to virtue signal and for violence considering current events but strategically you're shooting yourself in the foot and helping out the very enemy you want to defeat. These tactics only "work" when you're in the majority. I like Jordan Peterson as well but he's another example of a spokesperson with a razor sharp mind for analyzing and presenting facts but not a whiff of emotional intelligence to speak of (similar to Ayn Rand or Stefan). We need both to be effective.
    1 point
  6. Ticketyboo, If you've had a chance to read the article I'd be interested to hear your opinion on the piece. Do you also identify as Alt-Right?
    1 point
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