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  1. Not really, though it is apparent from your anecdote provided in lieu of an answer that you hate having responsibility, freedom to choose, not to mention the very concept of a meaningful existence, and that you're offended because God stays consistent with his word when He has given it. You see yourself, and apparently everyone else as well (except God), as an irresponsible child. I'm that and a whole lot worse, if we get biographical here, but I have not done so here. It appears we have two very different conceptions about what answering questions means. No. I'm happy to hear you're aware of your approach, though. I'm sure you experience it that way as you've treated me like one from the start. I let people choose how they want to approach a conversation and then adapt to it so that they feel comfortable. I'm flexible that way. Christianity, God, pick one or both. Hell wasn't made for people. Everyone who goes to hell chooses it themselves. The thing, though, is, that either one says to God: "thy will be done", or God says to said one: "thy will be done". It's really reaping what one sows. You're acting as if someone was torching you when an actual analogy would be insisting on jumping off a cliff to a great fall onto sharp rocks and then blaming the only one who says you really shouldn't. I already told you that wanting to burn people isn't the reason Christ came to save us from that fate. You really don't have any understanding about the things you're spewing your vitriol on. No, though I recognize the attempt at tarring me with guilt by association. You do not understand what the church of Christ is. I offer a Bible verse to answer: "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."
    -1 points
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