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Everything posted by errorspending

  1. Nice I was just about to start a thread about this because I'm halfway through episode 3 and finding it fascinating. Quite amazing that someone on the left has done this and hopefully it will lead to more people questioning the never ending narrative of Russia as the great enemy of the West. I wonder if Stef has watched it yet. To answer your question, from my limited knowledge it sure seems that things have gotten massively better since the collapse of the Sov Union. It seems Putin may be their Trump. He certainly comes off as more intelligent than your average politician too...
  2. 34 gay man in LA here...
  3. I caved...I was in the chat room talking to people about voting last night and I went in at the last moment and voted. I knew that if Hillary got in I would regret not voting for Trump, which I didn't feel at all about previous elections. The main issue for me was this - through voting, am I supporting the initiation of force against all of the citizens who did not vote for Trump? But as Stef has said many times, you can't have a truly principled approach to a situation with coercion already present. There will be someone who rules over us regardless. It doesn't make sense to me to ask what the principled approach is to choosing between a bunch of people getting raped or a bunch of people getting pillaged. It seems voting must always be a merely pragmatic decision, and it doesn't lessen our ability to advocate for no state. In previous cases the benefit of either side could not be reliably assessed, but I do think Stef and Mike made a reasonable case that this time the benefits to one side were significantly less murky.
  4. Part of me still wants to vote for Trump simply because Stef and Mike advocate for it. They've built up so much credibility over the years that I worry I'll look back on this a see it their way...
  5. Thanks for all of your posts Tyler! They helped me stay resolute in not voting It's been a very confusing time for me with Stef, someone who I agree with about virtually everything, starting to support political action. I don't see where it ends. If Trump gets in and he does do some positive things for the country, won't that just reaffirm for most people that political action is valid and the way forward? I would imagine this could make anarchy even more of a hard sell. If all it takes is conservative business men funding their own campaigns, instead of career politicians, to begin supporting political action, then this could trickle down to many levels of government. Should I support a mayor for my city if he self funds and is conservative (among other positive atributes)? I don't see where this stops. Seems so strange to flip from a principled approach to the argument from effect, when as you've pointed out, the effects cannot even be known.
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