Thanks for all of your posts Tyler! They helped me stay resolute in not voting
It's been a very confusing time for me with Stef, someone who I agree with about virtually everything, starting to support political action. I don't see where it ends. If Trump gets in and he does do some positive things for the country, won't that just reaffirm for most people that political action is valid and the way forward? I would imagine this could make anarchy even more of a hard sell.
If all it takes is conservative business men funding their own campaigns, instead of career politicians, to begin supporting political action, then this could trickle down to many levels of government. Should I support a mayor for my city if he self funds and is conservative (among other positive atributes)? I don't see where this stops. Seems so strange to flip from a principled approach to the argument from effect, when as you've pointed out, the effects cannot even be known.