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NotDarkYet last won the day on January 31 2017

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  • Interests
    Philosophy, Music, Photography
  • Occupation
    Econ, Music, English Instructor

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  1. YES! Exactly my approach. I bought a house (mortgage) 3 years ago. $250,000 I've been paying it off at a fast rate. I'm proud to be able to say my loan is down to $80,000. Interest payment went from $800 to $300 monthly Hoping to pay off this thing in the next 2 years. With a house paid off I could theoretically work part-time, have time to raise my kids, play music, and finally enjoy my life.
  2. Go ahead and be indifferent about politics. But politics isn't indifferent to you.
  3. does she take any responsibility for those failed relationships? so far my spidey sense says "don't get involved"
  4. A crippling level of competitiveness in regards to having a good girlfriend. If a friend of mine has a more beautiful and/ore smarter girlfriend - I'm furious with myself for being a failure, and I feel the need to "level up". This has destroyed my ability to be trustworthy in love and I've hurt many people. Now I'm nearly 40 and still can't decide who I should be with.... I wish I could just feel ok with who I'm with. It's a nightmare. I definitely have some deep pathology that therapy hasn't yet to cured.
  5. Ooooh my turn! Flat Earth is axiomatic. Communism is axiomatic.
  6. Certainly I could stand up and fight. I'd then never be allowed back into the interviewing chair - and thus out of management forever. The cancer is already at the brain stem of this organization.
  7. I'm not interested in leaving. I'm just lamenting on how deeply rooted the SJW propaganda is.
  8. Just need to vent some frustration: At work, we have this internal announcement page where people can post about anything: Celebrations of achievement, company anniversaries, happy hour parties, brand launches...all the stuff you'd expect. Except HALF of the posts are mind-bogglingly sexist/racist propaganda: Things like..... "Why Women Are Treated Like Garbage at Tech Companies" "Learn to Check Your White Male Privilege" "Why Are Tech Companies Still So Racist and Sexist?" "How the Patriarchy Affects Technology" "Why We're Not Doing Enough for Blacks in The Tech World" "#HeForShe" "Microaggressions: Yes, They're Real" These are mostly posted by females. And there is ZERO pushback. Zero. It's radio silence. Everybody politely swallows this stuff. If I was brave, I could write a response, but it would destroy my career - - and I'd certainly never be allowed in a position of management. I feel like I'm living in the world of 1984 - wrong-think, hate speak, thought crimes, 2+2+=5...
  9. It's not a problem for some people. In fact, it's a boon for: The Left: More votes The Welfare State: More addicts The CIA/FBI/Cops: More reason to "need" them
  10. I quit sugar and most carbs. Life changed: I looked amazing, I had energy, became more productive. Anecdotal? Yes? Life changing? Yes!
  11. I've listened to 95% of the podcasts. Started in 2008-ish. I have no idea what "current position of your life" means. Most important thing I've learned is a meta truth. Namely that that all of these ideas are inextricably connected: UPB-Morality-FreeMarkets-Truth-Science-Reproduction-Corruption-Business-Communication-Fairness-Parasitism-Propaganda-Gender-IQ -Politics-Violence-Control-Survival-Life-Death...and many many more. You can understand society in a cause-effect way, almost like an engineer understands a complex machine.
  12. I wish this wasn't true, but I'm speaking from experience: My neighborhood used to be a peaceful place. Things changed due to a sudden abundance of cheap housing. Now, car burglaries are reported weekly, and kids (15, 16 year olds) are walking around rapping songs to themselves, looking crazy and aggressive. It's like I've been transported to a different place. The mood of the legacy residents is, "Get a gun, or move asap" Utah is looking pretty nice right now.
  13. The fact that it's so easy to post feminist/leftist/mom-ist garbage on facebook (without any real retaliation) proves that we live in a gynocentric, anti-male culture.
  14. Here's free audio editing software: http://www.audacityteam.org/download/ Let us know when you've chopped them up. Mike and Co might want to upload your cuts.
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