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Everything posted by Funkmaster_A

  1. They're the same in terms of how people who have it act: make yourself into a stereotype of something you aren't.
  2. 1) Sooo.... they get surgery and take drugs to look like "females," even though a "female" can be like anyone, and not just like 50% of the population? 2) I was specifically talking about Caitlyn Jenner, anyway. Well, the pro-trans crowd are the ones saying "that because the physical part can be described with a certain word, the mental aspect must also be capable of being described with that word" by talking about biological "man"/"woman" and mental "man"/"woman." The insanity doesn't come from acting like xyz. The insanity comes from claiming to be an xyz, and then when someone asks them what makes them an xyz, they say "well, every dictionary ever written is wrong; an xyz is a person who acts like an xyz."
  3. If a woman gets $100,000 surgery to look like Barbie and takes drugs to change her appearance, then she probably has some issues that need worked out. If a man gets $100,000 surgery to look like Barbie and takes drugs to change his appearance, then he's perfectly fine!
  4. Many business owners are probably afraid that they'll hire a woman, and then Sandra Fluke 2.0 will go before congress and demand that anyone who already hired a woman has to give her free stuff.
  5. This topic has always been confusing to me, because the politically correct crowd has done a complete 180 on this issue, but, to my knowledge, no one from the politically correct crowd has said anything like "oh, we were wrong and our opposition was right." It wasn't that long ago when if you thought it was natural for little boys to like the color blue and action figures and dump trucks, and for little girls to like the color pink and dollhouses and tea parties, then you were labelled sexist or traditionalist. However, now if I observe a kid playing with dollhouses, wearing dresses, and carrying a little purse, I'm supposed to understand that the kid is a girl, regardles of whether the kid has male or female anatomy? It used to be sexist to think that the sexes have mental differences, but now if I observe someone with the "mentality of a woman," I need to think that the person must be a woman, or else I'm transphobic? Again, science sometimes reveals new things or changes in understanding, I get that. But the "crowd" hasn't remotely come out and said that they were wrong. And that sets off my bullshit detector.
  6. It's so weird. I mean, most people would say that if someone wants to have kids but has a medical condition preventing it, then health insurance should cover medication to fix that. But obviously insurance can't cover that AND cover birth control pills. These people must picture an insurance contract saying "if you have medical condition xyz, then we'll give you money; and if you don't, then we'll give you money!"
  7. Furthermore, it's a bit of a stretch to refer to them as old, since each of them did most of their work when they were pretty young. (And one died at age 31)
  8. Stef's metabolic state, memories, genetics, environment, personality, &c. cause him to do that (or, "cause him to want to do that"). The shorthand term for that complex process is "a choice."
  9. In the context of the phrase "determinism is true and free will is false," "free will" means that our will is free from the laws of cause and effect. It's fine to believe in determinism and other definitions of free will.
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