This topic has always been confusing to me, because the politically correct crowd has done a complete 180 on this issue, but, to my knowledge, no one from the politically correct crowd has said anything like "oh, we were wrong and our opposition was right."
It wasn't that long ago when if you thought it was natural for little boys to like the color blue and action figures and dump trucks, and for little girls to like the color pink and dollhouses and tea parties, then you were labelled sexist or traditionalist. However, now if I observe a kid playing with dollhouses, wearing dresses, and carrying a little purse, I'm supposed to understand that the kid is a girl, regardles of whether the kid has male or female anatomy?
It used to be sexist to think that the sexes have mental differences, but now if I observe someone with the "mentality of a woman," I need to think that the person must be a woman, or else I'm transphobic?
Again, science sometimes reveals new things or changes in understanding, I get that. But the "crowd" hasn't remotely come out and said that they were wrong. And that sets off my bullshit detector.