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John Ess

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    Linguistics, economics, music, philosophy, art

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  1. I think saying America in the title is a bit like putting Catholicism in the title. As if to focus on either of them, instead of the broader thesis. Like God Delusion was 'The Catholic Delusion', and only demonized Catholics instead of religion in general. Obviously statists in other countries will have no problem with anti-Americanism. And other religions will love to hear something bad about Catholicism.
  2. I don't understand how America is the root of all evil. Did they invent evil or collective identity? It seems like you're using a collective identity to denounce that concept. Also, what is a 'collective identity'? And how do we know when there is one or isn't?
  3. You're kind of an idiot. Even the trolling doesn't make any sense or come close to a coherent thought in order to be a joke. Let's put aside a lot of your creepiness for a minute. Molesting means to have sex with someone or touch their genitals. It doesn't remove anyone from the population. Unless you think sex kills you, in which case you'll be in for a big surprise when you lose your virginity finally. And who knows, maybe you will lose it to an adult instead of a child, you creepy bastard. Fail.
  4. Most hilarious/bizarre comment in the comments section: Trierman: "Krugman is a great Jewish brain of our time. He is the kind of person who would have run the world for all our benefits had the Russian Revolution not been aborted by the moronic anti-Semitism of Stalin. He reminds me of Trotsky in the speed of his intellect and his curtting scorn for those who can't think as fast as he can - and that means all the WASP establishment. Krugman drives the neolithic neo-liberals insane with hate because he steadily points out and ridicules the puerility of their economic superstitions. There is no chance of Obama picking him because Obama is way too timid. He is no FDR." Where to even begin?[^o)]
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