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"We negotiate. Our child wants something, so the negotiation begins. “I’ll buy that if you behave” is echoed in the aisles of stores all across America. " So right from the start she doesn't know the difference between negotiations and protection racketeering. This is not a good start. Yeah you don't have to negotiate about things you should get for free, like some peace while you're shopping. That's doesn't mean you get to dictate everything. "We clean his room. Sometimes we just can’t take it anymore. His room looks like a bomb hit it. Dirty clothes, wet towels, unmade bed — shit everywhere... Yet, he is still allowed to go to all of his planned activities and play dates. He’s still allowed to watch TV for a couple of hours and have friends over." Yeah unless it's a smell/health issue, why do you care? He's still a free human being who should be allowed to do things he likes if they don't hurt others. If it is a genuine simply refuse to do him favors like giving him a lift until it's clean. Clearly the trying to bully him approach isn't working why not try negotia... oh right, you're not good at that. "We carry the backpack. Yes, it’s heavy. I know. Sometimes stuff is heavy. She has homework to do. When we pick up our kid and proceed to carry everything out to the car for her, we are doing too much." Taking bets, who thinks this woman got men to carry the heavy stuff all her life. "I do not remember ever being asked what I wanted for dinner... I remember being served only four meal variations: chicken, meatloaf, spaghetti, and this really disgusting pork chops and red rice creation that I loathed. " Wow, so did your mom not communicate with you well enough to know you "loathed" that "really disgusting " meal, your words, or did she delibately do something that made you feel bad over 900 times? Moms and governments, the ideal jobs for when asking for or responding to feedback is just too much effort. "His plans trump ours. “Sorry we can’t go, Bobby has a game.” This is okay — most of the time. Of course we want to go to the game. But other times, the game (and Bobby) must take a back seat to our life. Bobby will do just fine getting a ride." This bits reasonable, the point of children's sports shouldn't be to please their parents anyway, and yes there are sometimes more important things going on. Then again if you want them to sit through your boring dinner with whoever you want to impress some tit for tat might not go astray. "We fail to give them chores or responsibilities. If the kid isn’t setting the table, clearing the table, loading a dishwasher, raking leaves, or taking the dog out, then the kid should be paying rent." Again this is reasonable, the house doesn't keep itself and if it's not unreasonable to expect a kid to help out. "We make excuses for bad behavior or grades. We all seem to make this mistake. Bad behavior is bad behavior. “She’s tired and hungry” is a terrible excuse." Well it is if she actually controls her sleep times and food. Yeah making excuses for bad behavior is bad, but not finding out why it happened in the first place is worse. "We argue with the teacher and the coach. It’s important to stick up for our kids, but only after our kids have advocated for themselves." Umm... why? Whether or not your kids advocate for themselves shouldn't affect whether or not you stick up for them. Whether they are actually in the right does. " When a teacher remarks that our child has less than diligent work habits, believe her. " Wow, just believe her. Don't bother to assess facts or ask for evidence, let alone get the other side of the story. Just let someone with an obvious conflict of interest tell you something and believe it. If you ever need to get out of jury duty I'll be there. But OK let's say we believe her, why should a kid develop good work habits about something "Attention is good. Involved parents are wonderful. But, it’s how attentive and involved we are that does the damage. When we let our kids negotiate, we are doing it wrong. " So you should be involved, but only in a way that doesn't grant them agency, then get surprised when they're not fired up about doing what we want them to do. "All kids need to learn to eat pork chops with chunky red rice and canned green beans once in a while. It builds character." No it breeds submission to mindless garbage that could have been avoided if you had the slightest empathy.
Yeah there was no history of violence against children in Africa before the Atlantic slave trade, all those children who were taken in wars and sold for centuries before that trade raised peacefully as were those that enslaved them. Because lots of peacefully parented societies have generations of slave-taking warfare.
The big question that determines the economic effect on Britain of the Brexit is how big a bitch the EU will be towards it. If the EU decides to be calm, rational and to arrange the trade deal that will most benefit it's remaining members then Brexit won't cause major harm to Britain or the EU. If they attempt to punish Britain for it's desire to leave them both Europe and England will be significantly harmed. The greater the degree of malice and spite the greater the harm. So EU leaders, will they be calm and sane, basically reasonable but a little bitchy, basically bitchy but with some reason or sugar-in-your-ex's-tank spiteful?
According to science, race is a social construct.
Livemike replied to casshern222's topic in General Messages
If race was a social construct then it should be impossible to tell whether a given skeleton is an Australian Aboriginal by it's bone structure or it's DNA. It is possible to do both. Nobody is denying that there are thousands of years of population separation between different ethnic groups, with little or no interbreeding during that time. Basic genetics would say that in that time different genes would be promoted in the different environments and even without that effect some genes would be more common in some populations by sheer chance. The fact that different genes have become more common in some populations than in others is literally as plain as the nose on your face. Of course it is possible that only genes that make surface cosmetic changes or no changes at all are the only ones being promoted. Except that right off the top of my head I can name at least 2 types of genes (lactose tolerance and sickle-cell anemia) that were promoted in some races but not in others. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196372/ Note that people have the same race according to genetic clusters as they do according to self-indentified race/ethnicity. -
God gets the most BASIC moral fact wrong. Morality is about what choices you should make and nothing else. Therefore it is impossible t be born immoral or to have your immorality removed by another's act. That attributing of moral value to things other than consensual acts* is the root of all evil. * That is where the thing is consented to by the actor whose morality we're evaluating. Obviously if you don't consent to something the acts of those who impose it on you can still be morally significant.
Which would you prefer, making a product for $5 and selling it for $6 or making a product for $10 and selling it for $13? Businesses want to produce the product with the greatest surplus of price over cost, not that with the lowest cost.
The whole ediface of the State, the guns, the fraud, the prisons, it's not for money or even power. It's for justification. Nothing is done except to justify that which is done. Now partly this is because without the justification some fear (rightly in many cases) that they will be torn apart. Mostly it's because how people are seen is literally the most important thing in some people's lives.
Mr. Ali called it like he saw it. He refused to be a slave or to toe the State's line. Although he knew that he could get a cushy rear eschalon job he denied the state his sanction for it's vicious war, and for that his career was crippled. He inspired millions. Oh yeah and I think he was some sort of athlete as well.
Donnadogsoth, on 13 May 2016 - 10:38 AM, said: > The claim that something as complex as the Universe came into being out of nothing, for no reason, is in the running. No it's not. Nobody claimed that. But even if they did it would still be less extraordinary than a being that could make the universe come into existance. > Saying that me being a sentient, sapient being is less extraordinary than me being an automaton is so because of your paradigm. A > primitive tribesman might say that you denying rocks and trees sentience is more extraordinary than believing the obvious truth that > everything is ensouled. Except that of course we see no evidence that rocks have souls. >I think you need something more than gauging extraordinariness in order to decide on a paradigm, because the paradigm is what > decides the gauge. I have something to guage extraordinariness, it's called reason and evidence.
"I have listened to quite a few hours if Chomsky's lectures and interviews and I still have no idea whether he is is fundamentally against the initiation of violence/force, or whether he thinks that it is a legitimate tool in some situations, or what those situations would be, or what the criteria would be for determining when force is appropriate." Then you do have a pretty good idea whether he is is fundamentally against the initiation of violence/force. Because if he was fundamentally against the use of force it wouldn't take that long to tell.
The rights of consenting sex and child support
Livemike replied to Catalyst's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
Then why isn't the woman bound by the results? She can have an abortion, meaning she doesn't have to deal with the results of her actions. He on the other hand has to deal with the results of her actions especially considering the pill works to an extremely high level of reliability. -
I can establish that you do things that sentient beings do. While it's possible that you're actually a robot with a set of responses preprogrammed by a time traveler, a brain scan should reveal the truth. Even if I can't scan your brain saying that you're a time-traveler-constructed robot is the more extraordinary claim, so it requires extraordinary evidence while the reverse does not, it being less extraordinary. There is no more extraordinary claim than an omnipotent being.
How Taxation is Not Theft
Livemike replied to MysterionMuffles's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
"It is not theft if you receive something in return." This was refuted in 1976 by a reggae band*, so we can assume that the author has no points worthy of note. * "Well he looked down at my silver chain He said I'll give you one dollar I said you've got to be jokin' man It was a present from me mother He said I like it I want it I'll take it off your hands And you'll be sorry you crossed me You'd better understand that you're alone A long way from home." 10 Cc - Dreadlock Holiday