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  1. This lecture examines conflict resolution, asserting that most disputes arise from deception and miscommunication. The speaker emphasizes that honesty is essential for resolving conflicts, highlighting how personal relationships often suffer due to superficial connections. Real-life examples illustrate the consequences of false premises, such as misunderstandings leading to blame and dissatisfaction. The discussion critiques societal norms around love and commitment, advocating for authenticity and virtue as foundational to genuine relationships. The lecture concludes with a call for courageous conversations about truthfulness to foster authentic love and trust. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  2. Sunday Morning Live 1 September 2024 In this episode, I tackle the challenges of political expression in a climate of fear and hostility, responding to a listener's experience of backlash for supporting a candidate. We discuss the complexities of political allegiance, coercion, and the implications of silence in discourse. The conversation broadens to examine economic dependency and its effect on societal attitudes toward change, alongside philosophical questions about self-ownership and moral principles. I critique the neglect of peaceful parenting in libertarian thought, highlighting its role in perpetuating cycles of violence. Ultimately, I stress the importance of action over rhetoric, particularly in parenting, as a means to foster values of non-aggression and freedom in future generations. This episode invites reflection on personal beliefs and the legacy we create. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  3. In this episode, we explore the U.S. Surgeon General's public health advisory on the pressures modern parents face. Highlighting alarming statistics, we discuss rising levels of stress linked to financial worries, social media influence, and the youth mental health crisis. The conversation addresses how unrealistic standards contribute to feelings of inadequacy and emphasizes the importance of strong family partnerships. We advocate for redefining parenting priorities to focus on meaningful connections with children and shared responsibilities, aiming to reduce stress and foster healthier family dynamics amidst today�s challenges. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/parent-stress-warning-1.7307945 GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  4. Friday Night Live 30 August 2024 In this episode, I explore the "noble savage" myth, tracing its origins and effects on modern society. I align this concept with the narrative of original sin, emphasizing personal responsibility amidst societal narratives that often evade accountability. The discussion highlights how nostalgia shapes our perception of the past versus our present complexities, revealing a yearning that can lead to anxiety when paired with avoidance of responsibility. I delve into the warrior and trader archetypes, examining their interplay throughout history and the ramifications of technological advancements on traditional roles. The conversation also addresses economic challenges, particularly focusing on educational debt and gender expectations, reinforcing the importance of understanding personal choices within systemic frameworks. I conclude by urging listeners to confront uncomfortable truths about their roles in society and the implications of the narratives they uphold. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  5. In this episode, I investigate the impact of parenting on a child's desire for family, challenging the belief that this inclination is a reliable indicator of upbringing. I argue that even well-raised individuals may choose not to become parents, highlighting a moral obligation to continue our lineage rooted in historical struggles. I explore the influence of modern comforts on parenthood decisions and suggest that contemporary concerns often stem from a reluctance to confront life's realities. Key indicators of a well-raised child include their ability to engage meaningfully with others, which reflects their upbringing. Throughout the discussion, I emphasize the importance of dismantling adult-child hierarchies to foster open communication. Ultimately, I stress parents' responsibility to empower their children and hope this conversation inspires listeners to reflect on their values regarding family and personal choices within society. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  6. In this episode, I address a listener's inquiry about universal morality and the challenges of engaging with politicians who often undermine this principle. I critique the duality of political figures masking self-interest behind a facade of moral authority, comparing them to predators in nature. The discussion explores the difficulties of managing violent or deceitful individuals within communities, suggesting strategies like ostracism and confinement while recognizing their ethical complexities. I underscore the need for clear boundaries and accountability, asserting that true engagement relies on shared values of reason and respect, prompting listeners to reflect on morality and authority in a complex world. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  7. Philosopher Stefan Molyneux tackles listener questions from Facebook! "I've been procrastinating and stuck in the past for 19 years and can't stand the aging process. What can be done?" "Was Plato's Republic a political project or a metaphorical work of irony?" "Do we have free will or are we all determined, such as sapolsky or harris says we are? "What is morality and is there an absolute and objective morality?" "Not philosophy question but I am wondering why you don't regularly chime in on current events? Not as often as before as far as I can tell." "How do we decide on what should be the proper functions of government??" "Do you think the NAP is coherent with human nature? Or, conversely, aren't humans (as all animals) aggressive by nature?" "Why is it that I can philosophise all day but as soon as someone asks me to do so, mind blank ? Could a topic jog a process for this maybe ?" "If we create the world around us with our minds and those signals could easily be messed up how does one fundamentally believe their reality is real or just imagined. If we manifest our reality are we creating our own adversity to overcome." "At what age can a male or female make sexual choices for his or her self?" "With all your talent and skills and added value you brought to the world in it's time of need, why of Why did you ever stop producing your 'The truth about...' videos??? 😭😭 "Please return to what you were Meant to do! The world needs you! 🙏🏻" "What are good techniques to introduce such philosophy to people who have gone astray? "I grew up in and live in a pretty leftist area, but there are also a lot of people on the far right who could use philosophy, virtually everyone I know is a statist that doesn't even know the definition of anarchy, much less the underlying principles. The problem I tend to encounter is that people on both sides tend to think that logic and reason that doesn't fit their programming must be on the opposite extreme relative to where they're at. "It seems like anything rational is often opposed strongly by at least one "side", and often both sides. "I was fortunate to be going through some stuff that required me to open my mind to new ideas in order to survive and\or thrive, some would call it the gift of desperation. How does one approach people who aren't even willing to have an open mind?" "What the heck are you meant to actually do with Hegelian dialectics? My head hurts." "WHO HAS SOLVED THIS? "The Euthyphro dilemma is found in Plato's dialogue Euthyphro, in which Socrates asks Euthyphro, 'Is the pious (τὸ ὅσιον) loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?' (10a)" GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  8. In this lecture, Stefan from Freedomain examines the dynamics of conflict in marriage, offering guidelines to enhance communication and understanding between partners. He likens conflict to a game governed by rules, emphasizing the necessity of recognizing different conflict types—win-lose versus win-win scenarios. Through practical examples, he illustrates how couples can navigate disputes by addressing underlying issues and fostering open dialogue, free from blame. Stefan discusses the significance of honesty and integrity in communication, advocating for prompt resolution of grievances to prevent resentment. He highlights the importance of adhering to established agreements as a foundation for trust. Ultimately, the lecture provides insights into cultivating a resilient and fulfilling relationship through constructive conflict resolution and mutual commitment to shared rules. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  9. Wednesday Night Live 28 August 2024 https://x.com/trustfundterry/status/1828570269021360535 The August 28, 2024 radio show addresses relationships and mental health through engaging caller discussions. A mental health professional shares their struggle with loneliness, leading to insights on self-care and childhood influences. Another caller expresses concerns about marriage and attraction, prompting the host to emphasize mutual respect in long-term partnerships. The show explores societal subcultures, like the "furry" community, and the psychological issues connected to them. Practical advice on parenthood stresses shared responsibilities in family life, while discussions on women's public expressions of joy challenge societal gender norms. The episode highlights the importance of community and genuine connections amid modern challenges. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  10. In this episode, I respond to a thought-provoking inquiry from a mental health professional regarding the paradox of being skilled at helping others while struggling with one's own life. I explore how childhood conditioning, particularly through parental relationships, leads individuals to prioritize others' needs over their own. This discussion delves into the dynamics of learned behaviors, the sacrifice of personal identity for parental stability, and the emergence of win-lose relationships rooted in dysfunction. I emphasize the importance of mutual support and provide practical examples to illustrate healthy relational dynamics. Ultimately, I advocate for self-reflection and the unlearning of harmful patterns to foster better relationships with oneself and others. GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK! https://peacefulparenting.com/ Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  11. In this heartfelt episode, we address a caller's concerns about her brother's questionable upcoming marriage. The caller discusses her worries about her brother's sensitivity and his fiancee's past actions, including engaging in OnlyFans and overspending. Seeking advice on managing this delicate situation within the family, we analyze the family dynamics and the impact of the caller's mother's avoidance of difficult conversations to maintain relationships. Exploring upbringing influences and missed opportunities in addressing sibling bullying, we delve into the caller's family history, shedding light on generational patterns and personal experiences shaping perceptions. Reflecting on the complexities of familial responsibilities and the importance of authentic connections over obligation, we emphasize setting boundaries, open communication, and prioritizing future generations' well-being in navigating intricate family dynamics with grace and compassion. Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! NOW AVAILABLE FOR SUBSCRIBERS: MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING' - AND THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI AND AUDIOBOOK! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  12. https://x.com/alx/status/1815152705788068112 Today we analyze a viral video showcasing women in a skincare company participating in a circle chant that defines themselves in various ways, sparking differing reactions from men. The video prompts a discussion on women's marketing strategies aiming for inclusivity and fun, gender dynamics in the workplace, and the creation of female-led spaces. It also raises questions about individual agency in group settings and the impact of the women's consumer economy on business transactions. Overall, the video prompts reflection on gender roles, workplace behavior, and societal perceptions of empowerment and inclusivity. Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! NOW AVAILABLE FOR SUBSCRIBERS: MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING' - AND THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI AND AUDIOBOOK! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more! See you soon! https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022Listen to the Podcast
  13. Open Source is Free Speech! A Conversation with Bill Ottman, CEO of minds.com Watch the video
  14. "Essential Philosophy" - By Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain Radio Watch the video
  15. Bohemian Rhapsody: Freedomain Movie Review Watch the video
  16. Essential Philosophy - Livestream Book Launch! Watch the video
  17. Freedomain Call In: Patient Abuse of Health Care! Watch the video
  18. The Truth About Vampires, Ghosts and Zombies! Watch the video
  19. The Terrible Truth About Birthright Citizenship Watch the video
  20. The Truth About the Pittsburgh Massacre Watch the video
  21. Freedomain Radio: An Introduction to Peaceful Parenting - With a Special Co-Host! Watch the video
  22. Livestream: Political Discourse Descends Into Hell Watch the video
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