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    Growing things I can eat
  • Occupation
    Car Park Attendant

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  1. Try this fb page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438425056435291/
  2. Any good UK women out there? A relative of mine is looking for one. He's 29.
  3. Thanks - I'll have a look. (Don't worry too much, 22 is still young.)
  4. Hi All Not sure where to put this really. Can anybody remember a podcast where Stefan talked about how if you want to have a good marriage & family, you really need to get it all worked out quite young, ie not date around too much, get a good woman asap and start establishing your life, etc? (Sorry, not a v good explanation.)
  5. Thanks - applied to join.
  6. Hello Liam Did you mean these https://www.facebook.com/uklibertarian?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/pages/UK-Anarchists/756093231108115?fref=ts ?
  7. Ok, so the only two ancaps in Cornwall UK (Owen Mizen & me) have made contact. What do we do now? I've got a few friends on fb, but none of them ever responds to any anarchy stuff I post! Any ideas for spreading the word?
  8. Thanks - I've joined the London fb group - I THINK! Not quite sure, it says closed, but accepted my click.
  9. Hello kearn? sy? bob? Do you mean this one? https://www.facebook.com/pages/UK-Anarchists/756093231108115?fref=ts
  10. Penzance. How are you?
  11. Just Googled anarcho-capitalist cornwall uk - nothing. Anybody there?
  12. Hello Weeb I ought to be used to this sort of outrageous behaviour by governments now, but I still get angry. Although I smoke, I wouldn't advise anybody to take it up, but I don't want to be treated like a criminal for smoking either. There's no logic (of course) to this law, if they're going to ban smoking in various places, they should also ban internal combustion engines, coal fires, etc, etc. Thanks for the smokebuddy link, I might need it sometime. Rob Penzance
  13. http://www.cornishman.co.uk/Penzance-taxi-driver-pay-nearly-1-000-caught/story-20886391-detail/story.html
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-26431417
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoCOagL69_s Must admit I didn't watch it all the way through, but I'm pretty sure that I didn't need to.
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