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  1. If your monopoly of aggression is restraining. What if an individual doesn`t like your monopoly and form another government? If yes it is restraining, then how the hell can you tell me it is a monopoly and if there is No restrain in this situation then it stop to be peaceful. Therefore a contradiction and we should reject the question.
  2. A follow up on the debate: Near the end they talk about stefan's mulgenerational aproach. They both agree it is a bad idea.
  3. Hello, This is a videogame I worked on in the past.The guy I worked for try to kickstart it. If you help this project. It could help me as a stay at home Dad with my 2 year old son. It is a space combat game with some RTS elements. http://www.virtuadv.com/ksshare.htm Thank you
  4. Sorry, didn't find any english video. Stefan, if you want to open some eyes in quebec. Now is your chance to make a video. Maybe you will need some french subtitle if you make a video about it.
  5. He doesn't talk about shooting governement agent just because he is working for the state. He present the case once the idea of the nap gain the critical mass localy. If the federal goons try to arrest you for a victimeless crime wouldn't be time to draw the line in the sand by exercice your right to self defence.
  6. Chris Cantwell is not welcome to the free-state project because he said that someday, we'll have to shoot a cop to gain our freedom. He is asking to Stefan to see if his arguments is good or not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw9xJJCFp6o
  7. I would start your introduction with something like: If I put a sandwich in your mouth and ask you to pay me and you believe I have no right to force you to pay. You already agreeing to the conclusion of this thesis.
  8. Frankly I don`t see anything wrong with his approach. If human is part of the observable universe. It is making perfect sens to suggest we could also observe what constitute or what bring human to come up with values to follows. Maybe the flaw it is that he need to explain what constitute a human. Why a sociopath or psychopath can`t be part of the human experience? Isn`t that the same as the majority make the rules? Why having a wider spectrum of emotion depth, empathy is better then less?
  9. Recent News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz1j4IHcsP4 Radiation level in the pacific ocean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PrhG5gmVb8 What happened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMaEjEWL6PU
  10. TEDxMileHighSalon - Michael Huemer - The Irrationality of Politicshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JYL5VUe5NQ
  11. The best way to defend libertarianism is not through economic arguments; nor appeals to general, abstract theories about the nature of morality; nor through the non-aggression axiom. The best way to defend libertarianism is through appeal to common sense morality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmCn2vP-DEo
  12. You can't prove that "God doesn't exist" is faith, because you didn't prove it wasn't true. See you are an irrational faithish dogmatic fool.
  13. How do you proceed and what are the criterias? Does the invisible apple no one can touch, smell, taste or see on all known spectrum next to me exist?
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