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MrCapitalism last won the day on February 16 2015

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    Midwest United States
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    Aviation, Computer Games, Cycling.
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  1. Nonsense data? It's interesting that this pejorative word, 'nonsense,' describes the status of all knowledge not available to the sense. Also, I suggest podcast FDR25: Validating the senses. http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/validating_the_senses.mp3 There are many. Here is my attempt at a list. Would others please contribute from your specific fields. Magnetism, Electric charge, All of the radio spectrum, excluding visible light. All visible objects, the size of which is indiscernible to the naked human eye. Gaseous pressure, Ph of solutions. Gravity intensity. All sound frequencies outside of the range of human perception. The passing of time.
  2. An infinite of possibilities, all existing "within the multiverse" while also "outside of the multiverse" (therefore satisfying sufficient reason). These possibilities are all true... and they are all false... in all directions and dimensions of possible time. Now what?
  3. Can somebody re-post the link? I'm getting "URL Address Expired."
  4. Thanks for keeping this thread alive guys. Here's a quick update on the situation. One of the 2 women has had a second child, and made the exact same choice as the first one. As soon as her maternity leave ran out, she went right back to work. The newborn went right into daycare.
  5. Since a major aspect of the current culture war is a battle over narrative, I thought I would post an update on recent developments. For many decades, the left has been relentlessly beating up on the right in terms of equality, diversity, anti-racism, and environmentalism. It doesn't matter if these charges are valid, the point is that they exist in the 'moral high ground,' and their opposition is seen as unsightly. With this position, the left has been able to lobby the government, which bends at the knee of a compelling narrative. The result has been decades of laws and public funding funneled in channels which harm the sensibilities of the right. Recently events have given the right a moral crusade that gives them a high ground, while simultaneously disadvantages their cultural enemies Fire Safety, And bonus points... it actually is important The campaign delivers results too, Follow your usual sources for more information...
  6. Doesn't sound like the best relationship I've ever heard of. I've never known of any couple that needs to have an annual vacation 'alone.' She needs to accept that he's having at least one sexual partner per trip. From your perspective I don't think you're in a situation to tell her this is wrong. She's already told you that she's fine with the arrangement. You suggested that her judgement is clouded by his wealth. You stated that her main concern is that a man provides for his family. It sounds like he satisfies all of her requirements, and she's willing to look away from the holiday issue to get what she wants. Nobody is violating the non-aggression principle. Again, not the best relationship. But she doesn't have noble intentions herself either.
  7. Here are Governor's thoughts on the Trump visit, it's been circulating in the alt-right sphere.
  8. https://mises.org/library/what-has-government-done-our-money/html/c/41
  9. About 500 years. The fall of the state will follow a similar profile as the fall of religion (which isn't even complete yet, and that's been going on for at least a hundred).
  10. Your post might have been an attempt at trolling, but nonetheless I think you bring up a great question about property rights and anarcho-capitalism. Specifically, how do people that see private property as the means to settle disputes handle situations of ambiguous ownership? The part I quoted made me think of an article Jeffrey Tucker wrote some years ago about this scenario: Homesteading for Fun and Survival - Jeffrey Tucker - Mises Daily
  11. I smoke the two cigarettes in front of him and "do my job" on one of the mattresses. Fair... :-)
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