Sure, done! I'd also appreciate a few subscribers if you're reading. I've decided to try and become a full time activist, I cannot fucking stand being a tax slave anymore, working by sweat and then having my own productivity used to take out loans against me. Fuck them, I'm done. If I'm going to produce, everything that I do, I want it to be attacking the cancer in our society. I'm going to go on the street with a camera and a soapbox, give speeches unil my lungs gasp for air and put them up on youtube. Probably, like most of you, I want a peaceful, happy life, to settle down and have a family, but I could not bring a child into this world in good concience only for him to become a future tax slave, a saving bond for a parasite to retire on. So I'm going all in, it's either freedom or a life fighting for it.