I’ve been trying really hard to simplify and explain UPB ina way that makes sense to more people. I’ve had some luck with the belowexplanation. I feel it is a more concise way to explain UPB without having toget into the whole “I prefer truth over falsehood” thing that seems to be whatthis conversation always turns in to. But is this an accurate way to explainUPB?
I have a preference to not be raped. This preference to notbe raped can be universalized because rape, by its definition, requires anunwilling victim. (If there isn’t an unwilling victim, then it would cease tobe rape and would be a voluntary interaction of some sort.)
No one can prefer to be raped because a person cannot bewilling to be unwilling. A person cannot be something and its opposite at thesame time. This would be a contradiction.
Notice that I don’t have to know the preferences of everyperson in the universe to make this a universal preference. I only have to spotthe contradiction.
“To not be raped” is a universal, objective preference andit applies to all human beings, in all places, and at all times. The same canbe said for murder, assault, theft, and fraud. None of these things can be preferredbecause a preference for them would break their definition, and createcontradictions.