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Everything posted by austin_scexp_com

  1. This is a message to Stef to say thank you for introducing me to bitcoin. I don't remember exactly when it was, but I first heard about bitcoin on a freedomain youtube video. Stef didn't say "go buy bitcoin!" but the interviewee was certainly promoting it and I decided to buy some bitcoins. That was back when it was trading at under $20. Today it's at $200 and going strong. It has been an excellent investment for me and has paid back all the money I have donated to Freedomain Radio and then some. I love being able to bring up Freedomain in the context of bitcoin. It immediately gives the conversation extra validity. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks to Stef and to Freedomain Radio in general. This is definitely one of those times when you are justified in saying... "Told ya so!"
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