You are so welcome! I'm glad what I said made you smile.
Like you, I had strong feelings about therapy because of my past therapy experiences. I knew I needed to do something, though, and soon. I don't remember having reservations about the IFS framework. When I first started listening to the Freedomain Radio podcasts, I listened to the interview with Richard Schwartz. I remember this story he told of a girl who cut herself, and how he thought he had helped her (this was all before he was using IFS), but she just came back again with more wounds the next week. Then her reaction at discovering a protector, and the instant progress she made, it was all very powerful for me. I thought if it could help her heal, then it definitely could for me too.
You say the protectors and exiles make sense to you, but you're unsure about this true self thing? I'm still not as much of an expert as I'd like to be, but I guess I was worried about not being able to find a true self. It's a bizarre concept to try to nail down, and without going through the process. Like, it seems like a really slippery concept. How are you not always your true self, or once it's gone, is it not gone forever? Is it an end point? I had a million hazy concepts. What I can say, and I hope it helps, is that it's just nomenclature. If you go through the steps, you'll find it and understand, at least a little bit, what they're talking about. It's not really spiritual at all. Unfortunately, I think the term "true self" is a bit overloaded in this case. The loosey goosey spiritual people like to use it in the same breath as when talk about their spirit aura color. In reality, it's a term to try to describe the absence of the thoughts and emotions of your protectors and exiles, kind of like the number zero, but for self knowledge.
I was also very worried about not being able to do it on my own, somehow. I can confidently say now that I think anyone can. There may be ways that are more optimally efficient, but as long as you put any amount of effort in, you'll get better.