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Everything posted by TenguNation

  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/activist-adam-kokesh-reportedly-arrested-in-herndon/2013/07/10/73dbc8c2-e943-11e2-8f22-de4bd2a2bd39_story.html No good deed goes unpunished.
  2. The fence is getting higher and higher. The days of doing things "off the grid" is about to go by-by. Buy lots of gold, buy lots of guns. It's about to get rowdy in the live-stock pen.
  3. I'm in the Farming industry. I know of at least three major farms or processing operations that are doing exactly this. When I was at the "ASTA" Agriculture convention in Chicago (a paradox, people who actually produce things have their convention in a socialist basket case), the products on the show floor that got everyones attention were the automated machines that would cut the number of people needed on any given site. Many of the salemen even used getting employee numbers below Obama-care requirements as part of their pitch. Don't ever let anyone tell you that government programs don't alter peoples behavior.
  4. Brock Lesnar - Former UFC Heavyweight champion. Maintained a low carb diet. Frank Mir - Another former UFC Heavyweight champion. Tried a vegan diet for a year, lost two of his four fights that year. Returned to a higher protein diet for "better athletic outcomes". If your looking for more examples, the Heavyweight divisions of most combat sports will have many athletes that have found success with a low-carb high-protein diet.
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