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Everything posted by MooMoo

  1. yeah, this whole thing is annoying and pretty dumb, but i'm not sure if there is an intelligent response to it. feels like getting in the sloth with the pigs.
  2. Yes it was possible. Early in the precepts of the war, Germany could have cut off Britain's retreat to their home island. If they had done this, it would have been too devastating a blow to the Brits and they would not had the ability to handle Germany's invasion. Basically they started off to soft and let things get out of hand. If they had secured Britain and the west they could have focused on Russia. Once Germany gets to the oil supplies blocked off by Moscow, it's game over.
  3. Personally speaking, I don't believe that to be true. I suppose in times of needs, the role of alpha would serve me, but that is only a matter of convenience and it is certainly not true in the absolute sense that it was given in. My goal in the life is not to be the alpha and don't wish to be in such a position.
  4. another thing I wonder is, how much of that remaining 40% get subsidies from government and contracts from the government?
  5. Yeah, that's not true. There's plenty of women out there that would be happy to be with the provider type.
  6. Why do they go after a smaller target like the Waltons and not someone like the Rockafellers?
  7. No, I get that PUA is for men trying to meet and get intimate with women, I didn't mean to suggest that wasn't gender specific(and there's nothing wrong with it either) what I'm wondering is how seeking entertainment from the opposite sex is gender specific.
  8. Says who? Maybe that's true for shallow people, but otherwise I don't see how it's gender specific for those that do wish to seek "entertainment" in the opposite sex.PUA can be enpowering as it seeks to teach young men how to better socialize where they otherwise are unable to do to shyness or something else inhibiting their ability to interact and engage someone on a romantic level.
  9. I don't see how so I guess I disagree. I don't think we can read into the fact that there is a market or culture for PUA and that somehow makes men victims of society or objectified.
  10. You said objectified or to make one subhuman, an object. That's pretty much a victim here when one does not exist.
  11. I think you are drawing some wilde conclusions in your leaps of logic. Pick up artristry fills a need that men have to learn more organic and natural approaches to initiate social interaction with women in a culture that doesn't care if men learn that or not. It's not some by product of men being victimized.
  12. Let's say there is a spectrum. On the one end there is pretentiousness or givng the false bravado that you are somewhat better than you are, and on the other end is false modesty. The latter would be masking your contributions or capabilities to a fault where you would be actively lying to downplay yourself. The motivations might be shyness. Which doesn't hurt anyone else, but can be self-destructive on a small scale and also that shyness probably (not always) doesn't come from a healthy place.From that it is the key purpose of the individual seeking to reach their optimization that they find the balance between these two forces of social interaction. I think there are some tools to make this happen. Tools like humility. This would be giving credit to those that helped one acheive something by acknowledging those that had a positive impact on the path to success. Another one is to be real with things and give credit where it's do because that's the antithesis to pretentiousness as well as false modesty.
  13. thanks for the clip Caine.
  14. For the purposes of this conversation, would you mind succintly stating your argurment?
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