At the end of this short Steven Pinker clip he says that on almost any personality trait reserachers measure it turns out that genetics accounts for a % larger than 0% and smaller than 100% that parenting is a small % from 0-10% and that something else (culture, peer group etc) accounts for the rest. He says this holds even with questions like 'how much tv a week do you watch' and 'how many cigarettes do you smoke'.
Or to put it another way: the amount of drugs (cigarettes) your child takes is influenced by your parenting almost 0% and perhaps as small as 10% on the high end.
Of course I would still aim to parent peacefully and kindly because I think it is a worthy end in and of itself and I don't do it because I want my kids to turn out a specific way as such rather I just want them to have the best childhood experience day to day as possible.
However, I am finding it hard to square what pinker is saying here with things Stef talks about in the show. I've heard him say things like "My daughter will simply never have a drug problem" and other confident statements. I want this to be true because it is an empowering belief to hold but videos like this Steven Pinker one 'shake my faith' so to speak. Make me feel that it won't matter that much what I do once my children grow up they will simply do what they'll do and I can't protect them against really bad decisions like smoking or whatever.
Just wondering if other parents here have given thought to this topic and if so I'd love to hear them!