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Pete Walker

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  1. Arius, thanks for the info.On Q#1 I agree and some interesting mainstream culture observation is some say politics doesn't have to be coersive, that it's only individuals who make it so; others use all forms of sophism to say politics is a good thing; others simply ignore any challenge.On Q#2 I fully agree and again, thanks.
  2. Question #1: In a future anarcho community, if a group attempts to re-raise The State, are those defusing the attempt participating in "politics"?Question #2: In present and future language among anarchos, is there a better term, e.g. "community problem solving", with "politics" being a word only referring to the culture of coercion?Background:To better understand mainstream culture I joined a discussion group on Facebook called "Secular Politics" (to me an oxymoron) and with the exception of one other anarcho in the group, they overall use very different meanings for words than he or I. I stated several times in group discussion that my perspective was non-politics for the same reason it's non-slavery.Most dictionaries have from four to seven meanings for the word "politics", which to me makes it an almost useless word because most discussion about it means first clarifying terms, an effort extremely and emotionally resisted in mainstream culture and especially in the group's overall "discourse" (one of that group's favorite words, evidently meaning noise with communication optional, or plausible deniability as in "I communicate but you don't".)According to onelook.com's listings of mainstream dictionaries, "prolefeed" is only defined in wikipedia.org and urbandictionary.com. "Politics" is defined in 31 of them; here's two:From Wiktionary:1. A methodology and activities associated with running a government, an organization, or a movement.2. The profession of conducting political affairs.3. One's political stands and opinions.4. Political maneuvers or diplomacy between people, groups, or organizations, especially involving power, influence or conflict. From Collins:1. (functioning as singular) the practice or study of the art and science of forming, directing, and administrating states and other political units; the art and science of government; political science2. (functioning as singular) the complex or aggregate of relationships of people in society, esp those relationships involving authority or power3. (functioning as plural) political activities or affairs ⇒ "party politics"4. (functioning as singular) the business or profession of politics5. (functioning as singular or plural) any activity concerned with the acquisition of power, gaining one's own ends, etc ⇒ "company politics are frequently vicious"6. (functioning as plural) opinions, principles, sympathies, etc, with respect to politics ⇒ "his conservative politics"7. (functioning as plural)- a. the policy-formulating aspects of government as distinguished from the administrative, or legal- b. the civil functions of government as distinguished from the military
  3. What does it mean when atheists say "spiritual problem"? I've heard it repeatedly from Stef and other self-proclaimed atheists. As soon as I can bookmark a YouTube or similar source I'll add it and others as a comment here, because I keep hearing it. Not trying to be a pain, just trying to understand.
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