So being a fairly long follower and sometime contributor I still don't often visit the FDR forum, so I'm probably posting this in the wrong place. The forum has changed since I last tried this and even then I wasn't all that sure what to do. I'm sure somebody can point me in the right direction.
The little podcast about the biggest problem faced by us like mined people was very interesting. The infighting and general lack of harmony in the community does project a somewhat negative image to the people outside the movement. Whether that can be fixed is another issue. I believe that the individuals in the forefront of the liberty movement are competitive and are here because because of independent thinking. Does that lead to a lack of sympathy or even to downright hostility to other opinions, even if 95% similar to theirs, is possible.
When 90% of all current people have been spanked as children and have the personality disorders associated with that, it is easy to see why there is so much of a tendency for treating people badly. I was spanked and verbally degraded as a child and I do find it hard to overcome some hostile tendencies. Also, I was given an example of anger as a response to frustration which still haunts me now.
I have real hostile feelings for left leaning, progressive elitist people who want to rule us and guide us because of their "Devine Right of Wisdom" or something. It is a hostility that diminishes as an individual's opinion approaches mine but to say there is no averse feeling at 95% agreement is not true. I have seen some people attack others that agree with most of their beliefs and leave opposite thinkers alone.
I don't know what the solution is but I just wanted to comment on this podcast that really struck home to me.