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Everything posted by Panacea27

  1. I don't see a problem at all. Either the tickets will sell out regardless or the scalpers will have to lower their prices until they do as it gets closer to the shows. Any artificial (violent) price fixing would cause a shortage, i.e. more people would want to purchase tickets than there are tickets available. The scalpers are actually solving a problem caused by the original ticket company undercharging relative to what the market will bear. Then again, I don't expect anything different. A commitment to nonviolence in principle and basic understanding of economic principles truly does put us Ahead By A Century.
  2. In the rest of my comment, I was supportive of his decision, both to seek out other opinions and in his current therapy. My response was to accutron's analogy. Of course there is nothing wrong with choosing a mechanic based on their family situation but as a consumer there is an incentive to receive the best service at the best value and the family situation of the mechanic does not factor into that. Then again, the family situation and personal life of a therapist does play a role since you are purchasing their emotional skills and I think that contributes to why it is such a difficult choice, for myself and others I've seen post, to make a decision on which therapist to choose. I did observe that the poster here felt a strong bond with his therapist despite his doubts and concerns about her motherhood. Mellomama brings up a very important point, I think that touches on why therapy can be so confusing. I've already pointed out that it is the close emotional bond that is vital to healing and yet when we have traumatic histories, we can have a strong pull towards unhealthy attachment patterns, such as "serving as surrogate boyfriend to your mother". I think this highlights the importance of having self-aware people close to you in addition to a good therapist. I hope I'm making sense and I appreciate reading all of your comments.
  3. You don't go to your mechanic because you have a crush on him (not that romantic interest could be inferred from your original post) and for the same reason you also don't see your mechanic because of his family situation. Like any other economic transaction, therapy must be an exchange of value for value and I find the comment that your therapist made about you being useful to her very interesting. In my experience seeing multiple therapists along with everything I've read and thought about the subject (Daniel Mackler comes to mind), i am also convinced of the value in unconventional approaches. Scientific studies that have been linked to in other threads seem to overwhelmingly indicate that the key ingredient to success in therapy is a strong connection. The bond is what heals the wounds that formed in the absence of a warm, loving connection when you needed it most. I completely understand seeking out an outside perspective, especially in this community, when you are taking a very unconventional approach. In the video about how to find a great therapist, Stef talks about having our experiences validated as a core part of what therapy provides. I felt a strong desire to want to validate your experience after reading about it. I get the impression of you being very fierce and determined in your pursuit of healing and a better life. I think that if you continue to focus on the strong connection that you feel and stay present and curious about your therapist's responses to your challenging her on whatever level you feel is necessary that you can continue to learn a lot from this experience. All the best.
  4. I've enjoyed listening to the Dr. Drew podcast. He is very skeptical of the psychiatric industry and the reliance on medication. I remember him explicitly saying that all serious addicts have a history of childhood trauma and it is fascinating to listen to him go into depth with people's personal lives very intelligently from a medical perspective. Doug Stanhope's podcast is very funny even if he does tend to glamourize alcoholism. He has been open in his criticism of Dr. Drew for strongly advocating for a fundamentally religious program in AA. What do you do that allows you to listen to podcasts at work? I would be so much more caught up if I had that luxury!
  5. Hello, This probably isn't the one you were looking for since it was back in 2008 but 1049 is called Deist Muslim Alone and it is also about Stefan speaking to a young muslim girl having family issues. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prqph1G3NLU I really enjoyed this one, especially at the end when he helps her to understand that her whole view of herself is in isolation and she is accustomed to taking things on by herself. Definitely something I could relate to. I hope you enjoy it and good luck finding the one you're looking for.
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