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  1. http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/p/37997/294829.aspx#294829
  2. My latest video: [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv87-xK0JnU:640:385]
  3. A Critique of 'Forget The Argument From Efficiency' A critique of Stefan Molyneux’s “Consequentialist arguments don’t work” http://www.vforvoluntary.com/articles/a-critique-of-stefan-molyneuxs-consequentialist-arguments-dont-work.html A critique of Molyneuvian ethics ('universally preferable behavior') http://www.vforvoluntary.com/articles/a-critique-of-molyneuvian-ethics-universally-preferable-behavior.html
  4. "Any notion of ‘justice’ that is not derived from personal human ends is precisely what is wrong with the world." http://www.vforvoluntary.com/articles/a-critique-of-murray-rothbards-why-be-libertarian.html
  5. You can get a 1.6ghz dual core Android stick for under $50. http://liliputing.com/2013/05/smartcandy-android-tv-stick-is-one-of-the-smallest-yet.html You can browse the internet very well with that, and also play high def video. And use applications like Gmail and Google Drive.
  6. while cheeky, the above response is dead on. UPB is not any type of argument, it is a framework for establishing the validity of potential ethical theories. 1. Ethics is not a science. The only interests are those of individuals, in particular those of yourself. 2. Economics is a science. 3. According to your understanding of your interests and your understanding of economics, you can support certain norms and institutions. 4. As such, allowing homesteading of something scarce by another person makes sense if you take the increased productivity through the division of labor into account.
  7. Canada's War on Weed [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rEbBB-Hfoc:640:385] The Rise of Psychedelic Truffles in Amsterdam [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8vaRVwF0xA:640:385]
  8. When Dog "Behavior Problems" Are Opportunities in Disguise [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhfQLrt2-JQ:640:385] Blog post: http://3lostdogs.com/how-to-live-with-a-high-energy-dog-without-losing-your-mind/
  9. These Youtube channels have dozens and dozens of examples what it looks like: http://www.youtube.com/user/kikopup/ http://www.youtube.com/user/tab289/
  10. The sidebar of r/dogtraining:
  11. My latest article: http://www.vforvoluntary.com/articles/mises-versus-rothbard-on-free-will.html "In the causal worldview, such as the one Mises advocated, choice is incorporated. Choice is considered a causal process. The outcome of that choice is not considered determined by a script outside of reality that is dictating what shall happen; instead, what happens is considered to be determined through the interaction of all that is part of reality."
  12. Donald Boudreaux [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZggpqH9ISM:640:385] Sheldon Richman [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L8mVlkJFn4:640:385]
  13. [view:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cdcyrOMehg:640:385] http://www.youtube.com/user/kikopup
  14. The theory of money in the tradition of Carl Menger. Part II http://www.vforvoluntary.com/articles/the-theory-of-money-in-the-tradition-of-carl-menger-part-ii.html "In this part I will critique Rothbard’s theory of money (Rothbard is a follower of Ludwig von Mises on money, as far as I know), then I will apply Menger’s theory to fiat money, and lastly I will comment on the Bitcoin phenomenon based on what I have written up to that point."
  15. If it will be identified depends on the business. Open Badges has only just started, but it shouldn't take long for the credentials to be taken seriously. I suggest try it out.
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