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Rudd-O DragonFear

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  1. We've been running a smallish ancap community for about a year or so, called /r/AgainstAllArchons. It's a spinoff of /r/ancap that got started at the time the pro-spanker "ancaps" overwhelmed the minority of ancaps that do not support aggression against children. Our community is "clean" in the sense that it won't accept abusive and manipulative people -- a report against someone acting in that way gets an instaban after only one warning. It's intended to be a safe space where people can come and share tips, knowledge, articles and other information of interest to voluntaryists that do not support any form of aggression, and don't want to be bullied by toxic people. I invite all of you to subscribe to the community and post anything you'd like. Welcome and enjoy!
  2. Oh. I guess I'll refrain from using the chat until that is resolved.
  3. The top right link to the chat redirects me out of SSL, which -- given my security settings -- denies me access to the chat altogether. Typing https:// in front of the URL also redirects me to normal non-SSL HTTP. There appears to be a misconfiguration somewhere in the HTTP server or frontend that is causing this issue. Please fix this so I can partake of the chat. Thank you very much in advance.
  4. Found this on the largest ancap community I know: http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/2em0q4/darlene_ouimet_author_of_emerging_from_broken/ck0rxzk Talk about the importance of healthy relationships, get accused of pathologizing. No wonder why statism still prevails.
  5. I bought my car cash, $1700. The down pryment was the final payment.
  6. Guy criticizes UPB but cannot even classify things in the correct categories (e.g. he says that Stef allegedly claims moral values exist, but the verb "exist" doet not apply to intangibles, yet he does not notice this in his post). Reading that critique is like watching a (not particularly gifted, but truly self-oblivious) first grader try to correct a calculus professor. It is cringeworthy. UPB is not magic, and yes, it is hard... but this guy can't even get categories right. What are the odds that he can produce a valid refutation of UPB? What we have here is a case of someone who lacks the necessary knowledge to understand UPB, doesn't know that he doesn't know, has a big ego, and as a consequence of his fundamental ignorance and a bit of Dunning-Kruger, he ends up being in way over his head, writing nonsense.
  7. This is the first time in my life I have heard ahyone say that Stef believes and defends "the blank slate". Having read the book and listened to Stef, I know the person who made that claim is dead wrong. Having read that person, how he clearly did not understand Stef's arguments, and his flippant non-responses "you are parroting so and so", I think this person is not looking to have a sensible cinversation, but rather he wants to feel right at all costs, truth be damned. I would suggest not engaging him anymore.
  8. LOLbronies.
  9. Kudos on your decision to deWOO.
  10. II think to say intellectual property does not exist is trivially true because it is observably true. you cannot point to me anything that is called intellectual property in the real world. Intellectual property is then entirely a conceptual thing. Thus your analysis needs to start identifyling what property IS at a very sundamental level. If property is a MORAL CLAIM (as I understand it to be), then it is a concept rather than a physical object, and it needs to be demonstrated as sound, which i believe is possible to do for physical property, but not for intellectual monopolies.
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