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    The Guy

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  1. First of all, why are long distance relationships ok? Second, why are you having one after "knowing" each other a week?
  2. I'd have cut it short sometime during Trump bashing. "Well, it was nice meeting you." "I have to return some videotapes." Friendly advice: People you will enjoy having a conversation with do not throw red flags immediately. If there are warning flags in the first minute, it's not going to get better.
  3. 1 post by OP this must not be important at all to them. ok guys, pack it up.
  4. Are husband and wife pairings not part of the free market? Is there some economically advantageous thing/things to do other than have a partner?
  5. I thought it was funny. As to the topic at hand, 99th percentile. ~130 +-5 In a room of 100 people, I'm probably the brightest guy, which is nice. 70 million people brighter worldwide, which is also nice.
  6. I make levels for videogames, from time to time. If you've got Counterstrike: Global Offensive, or steam, check it out!
  7. And your avatar is a hairy ape. Wouldn't avatars be aesthetics anyway? Lily's article reminds me a lot of some basic "how to get a job" articles. Be clean and groomed, talk about what's relevant, don't be a jerk. If you're going your own way, it shouldn't matter what she says. But, it gave me pause, and I wondered "Are other libertarian and ancap types really that bad?" Because as described, I'm not sure I'd want to hang out with them.
  8. More than that. Assuming we're talking in the present, statist world. Basically, a speed camera, or a red light camera, is another device that may lead to my untimely demise at the hands of the state. I break whatever rule, and get sent a ticket, or a summons. If maybe it goes to the wrong address, or takes months to show up, I'm still on the hook with a warrant out because I didn't respond in time, or pay the fine. Then, escalation of force from the state, and I may end up handcuffed on the ground with broken bones because I supposedly resisted arrest. And maybe, just maybe, I get shot in the street. All because I was seen doing something on some camera. What gets caught on those cameras doesn't amount to lethal force. This is an example of: against me.
  9. Yeah no. Ayn Rand could've written this season's episode 4. Greater good! Greater good! Greater good!
  10. Actually did this. I have a good friend who was thinking about joining Law Enforcement. He remains my good friend, how's that for foreshadowing? We were both mercenaries in the Marines, as some background as to why this would come up at all with a good friend given what forum we're in. I think the clincher for him was that he would have to enforce laws he didn't agree with. Even if in the moment he could do something, maybe next week, or the second officer on scene or whatever would follow the law to the letter. I pointed out his own autonomy would vanish, or cease. If the laws changed, that would complicate things. For the most part, I was using Socratic questioning anyway. I wanted to find out what were his motivations for doing it, wanting it. I pointed out contradictions or stuff that just wasn't so. Hope this helps.
  11. Incentives. Can you imagine health insurance providers giving reasonable rates for people who go without vaccinations? Maybe you get them free when you buy health insurance. Who needs force when practically everyone will look at anti-vax folks sideways.
  12. Let us see some antonyms of necessarily, and dump the not. You're a rapist, questionably, or phrased better, you're questionably a rapist. I bet you could get a jury to convict on that. You might be a rapist. Wow. What a terrible thing to say. You're not necessarily a rapist, buuuuuuuut... you are, I'm just trying to be nice about it. It's hard to tell if those folks think rape is a big deal or not. They throw accusations around so much at things that aren't rape. I find the whole thing rather frustrating.
  13. sounds like a success to me. Is that an EAS brief? I was a mercenary too.
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