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zg7666 last won the day on February 8 2015

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  1. A recent study presents strong evidence to suggest that children as young as 12 to 24 months can understand morality, and more importantly, that this basic perception of “right and wrong” is strongly tied to their parents’ personal ideologies... http://www.medicaldaily.com/moral-compass-detected-babies-young-1-year-old-suggesting-children-arent-innocent-we-350990
  2. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2011/11/03/health/research/noted-dutch-psychologist-stapel-accused-of-research-fraud.html?referrer= http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/08/28/science/many-social-science-findings-not-as-strong-as-claimed-study-says.html?_r=1&referrer http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/02/the_decline_effect_is_stupid.html
  3. I am kind of wondering, why is there no discussion on this interesting event!? Are you guys familiar with it at all? Or is it not serious enough to take notice of it? Free Republic of Liberland (hereinafter “Liberland”) is a sovereign state located between Croatia and Serbia on the west bank of the Danube river. Liberland came into existence due to a border dispute between Croatia and Serbia. This area along the west bank of the Danube river is not claimed by Croatia, Serbia or any other country. It was therefore terra nullius, a no man’s land, until Vít Jedlička seized the opportunity and on 13 April 2015 formed a new state in this territory – Liberland. The boundary was defined so as not to interfere with the territory of Croatia or Serbia. Its total area of approximately 7 km² is now the third smallest sovereign state, after the Vatican and Monaco. For more information regarding the border dispute between Croatia and Serbia see an article on Wikipedia. The motto of Liberland is “To live and let live” because Liberland prides itself on personal and economic freedom of its people, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, which significantly limits the power of politicians so they could not interfere too much in the freedoms of the Liberland nation. https://liberland.org/en/main/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberland
  4. As a kid you run around so fast, the world around you seems to stand still. A summer vacation can stretch on for an eternity. With each birthday we circle back and cross the same point around the sun. We wish each other 'many happy returns.' But soon you feel the circle begin to tighten, and you realize it’s a spiral, and you’re already halfway through... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNgyEmYyQF4
  5. "Thankfully, regulatory transparency got a considerable boost Thursday when the Red Tape Reduction Act (C-21) received Royal Assent and became law. Minister Tony Clement, who has championed the bill, can be proud that Canada is now the first country in the world to require that for every new regulation introduced one of equivalent burden must be removed." http://www.againstcronycapitalism.org/2015/04/canada-is-now-the-first-country-in-the-world-to-require-that-for-every-new-regulation-introduced-one-of-equivalent-burden-must-be-removed/ http://business.financialpost.com/fp-comment/ottawas-red-tape-cutting-law-gets-passes-senator
  6. No hard feelings :DD It is great, especially if you look at the original video, it has failed quite a bit (then again it's India).
  7. A humoristic answer to Deepika Padukones – "My Choice", 'Vogue women's Empower initiative'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnBdxu0qABI #VagueManpower - My Choice Too BeingIndian SUBSCRIBE to Being Indian Channel by CLICKING the Link Below - http://goo.gl/qhzVAi #BeingIndian brings you a powerful video about empowering men and their Choices. Comment & Share!!!!!
  8. Business Like a Swede Song and a great video for "Swedish Part Model" - a winning collaboration between trade unions and employers’ organisations since 1938 that sets the A in awesome. Read more at www.likeaswede.se https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YX7h8qNu7g
  9. This sounds interesting!? Don't Stay in School Boyinaband "What I learned in school vs. What I didn't learn in school. I can't remember feeling so passionate whilst writing something in ages. I absolutely love a lot of the subjects I mention in this - astronomy, particle physics, pure maths... but I hate that everyone is forced to learn them. It should be a choice. There are a million other things wrong with education, but this one stood out as the most obvious and most insane. The point of this song is to get people talking - if you share it, use #DontStayInSchool so we can all get involved in the conversation." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0
  10. Kripke resignes from CUNY :: Famous philosopher falsified thought experiments :: Stay tuned. Saul Kripke resigned yesterday from his position as Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the CUNY Graduate Center... a team of philosophers from Oxford University has just released a damning report claiming that they were systematically unable to reproduce the results of thought experiments reported by Kripke in his groundbreaking Naming and Necessity. https://fauxphilnews.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/kripke-resigns-after-allegations-of-academic-fraud/
  11. Just as a side note: analyzing hundreds of scientific papers, newspaper articles and court documents related to the mass and serial murder researchers from the University of Glasgow have recently come to the finding that individuals who suffer from autistic spectrum disorder and / or a head injury prone [extremely] violent behavior, but only if they are in childhood were exposed to continuous psychological stress and trauma. 239 serial and mass murderers in the study, 28 percent of them were, or are suspected to be the case, of autistic disorder, with seven per cent of the sub-sample at the same time had a head injury. 21 per cent of the total sample had less reliable evidence that they once suffered a head injury; of these, 13 percent at the same time suffer from some form of autism. Finally, more than half of the assassin with autistic disorder and / or head injury had a childhood marked by psychological trauma; Their crimes and the method of execution are severe and cruel compared to those committed by comparable individuals whose childhood passed without any major hitches. Overall, the researchers conclude that approximately ten percent of serial and mass murderers exhibit autistic symptoms; additional ten percent of the perpetrators of multiple murders have experienced an injury or multiple injuries to the head; two-thirds, of both, was marked by severe childhood psychological trauma. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359178914000305
  12. Just as a side note: analyzing hundreds of scientific papers, newspaper articles and court documents related to the mass and serial murder researchers from the University of Glasgow have recently come to the finding that individuals who suffer from autistic spectrum disorder and / or a head injury prone [extremely] violent behavior, but only if they are in childhood were exposed to continuous psychological stress and trauma. 239 serial and mass murderers in the study, 28 percent of them were, or are suspected to be the case, of autistic disorder, with seven per cent of the sub-sample at the same time had a head injury. 21 per cent of the total sample had less reliable evidence that they once suffered a head injury; of these, 13 percent at the same time suffer from some form of autism. Finally, more than half of the assassin with autistic disorder and / or head injury had a childhood marked by psychological trauma; Their crimes and the method of execution are severe and cruel compared to those committed by comparable individuals whose childhood passed without any major hitches. Overall, the researchers conclude that approximately ten percent of serial and mass murderers exhibit autistic symptoms; additional ten percent of the perpetrators of multiple murders have experienced an injury or multiple injuries to the head; two-thirds, of both, was marked by severe childhood psychological trauma. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359178914000305
  13. OK, thank you guys for your answers. Obviously I am not a fan and I don't know enough about her to say how much does her personal life corresponds to the song, it seems pretty personal to me. Of course she could use here fame and looks "for good" - do you think she is somewhat trying that with this song? It, kind of, looked as if music video was critical of mothers that put children trough this. And of course the ending, she as a kid in a beauty contest., is important, too.
  14. I've just heard the song for a first time (I know, I live on the different planet), so I was wondering what is your opinion on the song? Especially, since it comes from Beyonce. Beyoncé - Pretty Hurts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXXQLa-5n5w#t=202 Mama said, "You're a pretty girl. What's in your head, it doesn't matter Brush your hair, fix your teeth. What you wear is all that matters." Just another stage, pageant the pain away This time I'm gonna take the crown Without falling down, down, down Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst We try to fix something but you can't fix what you can't see It's the soul that needs the surgery (Uh huh huh) Blonder hair, flat chest TV says, "Bigger is better." South beach, sugar free Vogue says, "Thinner is better." Just another stage, pageant the pain away This time I'm gonna take the crown Without falling down, down, down (refrain) Ain't got no doctor or pill that can take the pain away The pain's inside and nobody frees you from your body It's the soul, it's the soul that needs surgery It's my soul that needs surgery Plastic smiles and denial can only take you so far Then you break when the fake facade leaves you in the dark You left with shattered mirrors and the shards of a beautiful past (refrain) When you're alone all by yourself (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) And you're lying in your bed (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) Reflection stares right into you (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) Are you happy with yourself? (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) You stripped away the masquerade (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) The illusion has been shed (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) Are you happy with yourself? (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) Are you happy with yourself? (pretty hurts, pretty hurts) Yes Uh huh huh
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