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  1. Do you not think that Anna’s anxiety, eating disorder and self-cutting were fairly sure signs that there was significant dysfunction in the family before she even entered the clinic? Do you not find the presented account a little odd? That a troubled but supposedly normal girl entered the clinic, but within 2-3 months was a babbling lunatic, talking about her 20 personalities and the 100 people who had molested her. The format of these types of articles always seems to be: Present the parents: loving, but stoically agonised and confused at their child’s accusations. Suggest that the child was always a bit weak and prone to sickness, but not enough to suggest that it was the result of bad parenting. Enter evil child manipulator; that they’re evil and manipulators is assumed quickly to facilitate step 4. Long history of evil child manipulators, thereby reinforcing association between the scapegoat and evil child manipulators. Detail child’s gradual “entrapment” and journey to the dark side. Conclude with unified parents, remembering fondly, holding back the tears and longing for the return of their misguided child to their forgiving arms. Is this not rather reminiscent of an FDR case a few years ago involving a young man with strong emotional reactions towards animal rights issues, who deFOOd his politician mother and violent father? For the Photoshop experiment, they picked a rather innocuous event to fake, don't you think? No doubt, if they’d Photoshopped in the subject's father, entering them from behind, they might not have been so inclined, or suggestible to say, “Oh yes, I’d forgotten that!” I wonder if repressed/recovered memory is actually a red herring, a distraction from the fact that a daughter has chosen to have no further contact with her father. One can entertain memories as normal until demonstrated their abnormality. This would not be inconsistent with accounts of molesting fathers binding children to secrecy under threat of certain dire consequences; the children then maintain this secret until something indicates to them that it’s safe to reveal. Whether Anna gradually recognised the nature of her fathers actions towards her, or recovered them instantaneously seems unimportant compared to the fact that she, at the very least, does not trust her father and wishes to be nowhere near him.
  2. That must be tough, EndTheUsurpation. It's probably normal that any conscious change of behaviour will feel awkward to start with. Perhaps it's a case of don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Winter celebrations are older than most religions and are clearly of practical and social utility. Winter is a season when isolation, depression and suicide skyrocket; whether it's a culturally learned behaviour, or not, the end of the year seems to bring reflections on one's achievements and mortality, perhaps because the nature all around us appears desolate and dying. brightness, warmth and social gatherings seems to be an antidote for this. The fact that something like Christmas, albeit on slightly different days and with different traditions, happens all over the world seems to support the idea that it's more about the psychosocial value than of particular supernatural observances. I have always been an Atheist, but I love Christmas trees, lights, decorations and presents; it is still magical for me to sit in a room with the main lights off, even better with a real fire and snow outside. I am a sucker for all the Dickensian clichés and I try not to pour too much cynicism on these rather childish pleasures. I would liken your situation to abstaining from alcohol, as I did many years ago. I have not banned it from my life, I still drink, but I don't accept invitations from those who require copious amounts of alcohol to be honest and express themselves, if you can call the clumsy, loved-up monologues of the drunk honesty. Those who would not accept a coffee at a café as an alternative to a bar I saw as more in need of alcohol than my company. So, perhaps you could apply the same reasoning to Christmas, with those requiring Christmas celebrations as an exclusively religious event as the alcoholics (somewhat offensive, but hey) and those who merely wish to celebrate friendship and Christmas as a convenient opportunity to do so as the more favourable choice.
  3. The standard scenario seems to be that when a child claims sexual abuse within their family there is blanket denial; the accused's spouse often supports the denial because it's easier than facing the alternative. Siblings will also often deny it, even though they were not present at the claimed events, because the alternative is too unpalatable. You see this again and again in public scandals, such as Woody Allen's; the child is almost always thrown under the bus to protect the family's reputation and public standing. I knew a woman whose father was a vicar and pillar of the community; he had been having sex with her since she was twelve. She developed a brain tumour which, among other things, made her susceptible to unconsciousness from minor impacts to the back of the head. When she finally escaped home and went to university, her father would visit her there and, when the environment was suitably private, he would hit her on the back of the head and rape her while she was unconscious. This is the degree to which some people can maintain completely opposing personas and lie convincingly and persistently. It is almost more shocking and prone to denial than the molestation because of the unfathomable contradiction between the perpetrators public image and private actions. I have not read any critiques of the techniques used to recover repressed memories and I don't know whether Castlewood's conduct was appropriate in this instance. However, I have met enough people and seen the characteristics of their stories mirrored in most publicised cases to believe that the victim, or claimed victim, is invariably isolated and their credibility attacked from every angle, in this instance the method used to recover the memories is the angle. Has anyone on this board experienced repressed and recovered memories; memories that encompass years of events that were later proven to be entirely false? This just doesn't sound plausible to me. I have had hypnosis before, admittedly to stop smoking and not deep regression, but is this article not just tapping into a stereotype of the evil hypnotist fucking with your mind? Isn't it more plausible that the daughter is just simply telling the truth and the father is just protecting what material and social value he has left?
  4. Hi people, I found the Feminist Straw Woman venting elsewhere over her call (sorry, this isn't a Stefan quote): (http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/05/kr599-keiser-report-the-speculation-game/comment-page-3/#comment-772410) Spacehoppa says: May 13, 2014 at 10:07 am For anyone who might be interested, I debated with Stefan Molyneux in this podcast on a fairly mysoginistic rant he did a few weeks ago on his youtube channel. I am the first caller. I think he’s a clever guy, and enjoy his outpourings on other topics, but his views on women and mothers seem to be very skewed. Also, he relies rather too heavily on attacking people’s debating style rather than addressing their arguments. It was an interesting experience. http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/2693/feminist-straw-woman-attacks-sunday-call-in-show-may-11th-2014 Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/05/kr599-keiser-report-the-speculation-game/#oawfo6MZqrvSijfQ.99 -------------------------------------------------- Youri Carma says: May 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm @Spacehoppa I always thought of Stefan Molyneux as an homosexual. Not that that is anything wrong with that but it could explain his strange view on woman. According to a homosexual man I know all man are lingering homosexuals. But straight is the new gay. http://youtu.be/u0lVbMOMTi0?t=7m22s Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/05/kr599-keiser-report-the-speculation-game/comment-page-3/#ZpbRsDEQIseTvdqb.99 -------------------------------------------------- Spacehoppa says: May 13, 2014 at 2:21 pm Hi Youri, Well I don’t know about him being gay, but I agree that having such a low opinion of most women does make you wonder. I tend to think he was very damaged by being brought up by a narcissistic mother and that as a consequence he now views all women through this lens. The irony is, he has now become his mother, by exhibiting those same narcissistic, grandiose, bullying behaviours himself. Not that you’d get him to see that in this lifetime, or the next. Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/05/kr599-keiser-report-the-speculation-game/comment-page-3/#ZpbRsDEQIseTvdqb.99
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