I wouldn't miss it for the world. Already took some days off work, and created a Facebook event to make meeting up easier (here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/412561955514046/?context=create&ref=2&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming).
Can't wait to meet you all!
Philosophy call starts in about 10 minutes. I also do invite you to like our new facebook page (to get the updates about the call) https://www.facebook.com/PhilosophyEuropeCall
To join the call add skype handle: philosophy.europe.call
I'm very sorry she did that to you, and that you struggle with shyness/fear now.And yes it is very hard.I think you did the first steps to overcome it. My congratulations.
I do experience some technical difficulties and I won't be joining this time, for the Philosophy Europe Call try catching Chis at skype handle: chaosordered
Have a great conversation!