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Everything posted by hqc

  1. A new Philosophy Call Europe has started on Skype login: philosophy.europe.call Feel free to call in
  2. Todays call is on google plus: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g4jqppcl42im7qvo7m4ekkzkrua?hl=en-GB
  3. A new call has started, feel free to add Skype handle: philosophy.europe.call
  4. Euro call is on right now, if anyone wants to join add skype handle: philosophy.europe.call
  5. Call starts in about 10 minutes. For instructions how to join, read the first posts.
  6. Hi! A fine idea in my opinion, there will be a call this week, where we can discuss it further. You are most welcome.
  7. Today's call start a bit early. Add skype handle: philosophy.europe.call if you wish to join.
  8. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Already took some days off work, and created a Facebook event to make meeting up easier (here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/412561955514046/?context=create&ref=2&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming). Can't wait to meet you all!
  9. Call is on right now if anyone wants to join, feel welcome.
  10. Philosophy call starts in about 10 minutes. I also do invite you to like our new facebook page (to get the updates about the call) https://www.facebook.com/PhilosophyEuropeCall To join the call add skype handle: philosophy.europe.call
  11. Philosophy call starts in about 5 minutes. Tune in on Skype at: philosophy.europe.call (people from all over the world are welcome of course)
  12. I'm very sorry she did that to you, and that you struggle with shyness/fear now.And yes it is very hard.I think you did the first steps to overcome it. My congratulations.
  13. I do experience some technical difficulties and I won't be joining this time, for the Philosophy Europe Call try catching Chis at skype handle: chaosordered Have a great conversation!
  14. Call in to Skype handle: philosophy.europe.call if you want to join the call
  15. You are most welcome Pepin!
  16. Ready to start a new call. Feel free to call in
  17. I'm so sorry this happened to you Honest, it's horrible how your parents have treated you, and you have every right to be upset about it. Glad to hear you are doing so well now.
  18. Hey everyone! If you would like to join a call with fellow philosophers, and talk about things that interest you, or just listen for a while, well I've got good news for you. Philosophy Europe Call is open for callers from all over the world. The call starts at 7PM GMT (thats 2PM in New York) every Saturday. Interested? Call in Skype handle: philosophy.europe.call More info: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/philosophyeurope/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/communities/105784012586757265988 Hope you will enjoy it. PS.Call starts in less than an hour from this post
  19. Awesome work!
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