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  1. Call me crazy or unreasonable if you want. I don't and will never trust the CDC. Bogus medical research is cooked up all the time to support slinging dangerous pills. I guarantee that people out there dying from the flu are severely immunocompromised due to nutritional or other factors. So many things have to go wrong in order for your body's defenses to be overwhelmed by one of these common bugs. The evidence for the potential benefits would have to be overwhelming for me to even consider putting that garbage in my body, and it's just not. I keep my immune system strong. I fend off, with ease, most of the crap that most of the people get. I'll take my chances for now, thank you.
  2. This is pretty fascinating stuff. All nuclear is not created equal, and it turns out there is a radically different way of doing nuclear, cleaner and safer than basically any other type of energy on the market, at much greater efficiencies, and utilizing thorium, which is readily available in huge quantities in the earth's crust. This was discovered in the early days of nuclear, and essentially scrapped because it was not a suitable nuclear pathway for creating weapons. This is not theoretical, because there were LFTRs that were designed and run successfully in the 60s for several years before the government scrapped them. LFTRs have the potential to change the course of human history. Of course, they have not found their way into utilization, primarily because the entire energy industry is basically a centrally planned affair. Interestingly enough, it looks like China is currently working on building thorium power plants. It will be interesting to watch the thorium story play out in the coming years and if US regulations will shift to allow a conducive environment for LFTRs. It almost wouldn't be a bad idea to be invested in companies that could persue this technology, just in the off chance the US government decides to get on board with this.
  3. Regardless of whether you consider gold or silver as an investment or just a "store of wealth" is kinda irrelevant, too. It's just an asset like anything else. Investing is all about keeping your value stored in under-valued assets that will appreciate and bring you greater wealth. There's a Doug Casey interview somewhere where he talks about how there are very few true bargains in the world right now (meaning most traditional investments are over-valued). PMs, especially silver, are undervalued right now so that's where you want your money. In a free market, PMs would probably operate as just a store of value and nothing more. But in the state bubble-driven economies you have to speculate and play the fluctuations in order to keep and grow your wealth.
  4. But if you then take into account the likelihood that something like physical silver is extremely undervalued due to market manipulation, it does begin to look more like a true "investment" in that it's likely to see a return of real value when market forces eventually win.
  5. Well, if you look at the potential losses if you tie your money up in the stock market or in paper currencies (theoretically possible to have 100% or near 100% losses), then even a 0% return looks pretty good and you could consider it a strong investment in this climate.
  6. The value of silver can never, ever go to 0...unlike paper money or stocks. The opportunity silver presents right now, IMO, is that it's likely that it's severely undervalued relative to real supply and demand. The market is being heavily manipulated at the moment in a downward direction. Markets can't be manipulated indefinitely. So silver is not only a good home to store your wealth in this uncertain time, but there's a good chance to actually reap a decent windfall profit off of it (in real value, not just relative to paper money). And I'm putting my money where my mouth is here. Literally every penny I save is currently going into silver.
  7. Judging whether a witness or family member's emotions are genuine on a TV interview is subjective. There are plenty of objective facts about this though that are fishy or don't add up, though. Like relief fund websites being created several days before the actual event occurred.... http://www.naturalnews.com/038633_Sandy_Hook_Google_search_results_December_11.html I understand the skepticism about claims like this. On the one hand it seems so completely implausible to be able to manufacture such a widespread fraud, not to mention it's relatively inconsequential whether it was real or not. On the other hand, two plus two cannot equal 3.
  8. My sympathies for your situation, this one hits close to my heart because it's so much like the story of my parents. My mother divorced my father when I was around 5, out of, from what I deduce, vague dissatisfaction and boredom. It was the beginning of a long and nasty struggle for my father to stay in our lives. My mother did all she could to keep him out of our lives, and for many years we could only see him every other weekend, etc. My mother moved us around several times to different states, once not even informing my father. He showed up to pick us up one weekend and the apartment was empty. My mother even had my siblings and I convinced that he was insane and everything he did (constant court battles, etc.) to try to stay in our lives was making our lives worse. His committment was unwaivering, though, and by the time we got to high school he was finally able to get half-time with us when me moved to a new jurisdiction. It's only been in the last couple of years (I'm in my mid 20s now) that I learned to see through my mother's bullshit, and can fully appreciate what he did for us, and have a father that I actually respect and look up to, as a role model. My relationship with him now is stronger than it's ever been. I shudder to think what type of person I might have become if he had simply given up all those years ago and I did not have him in my life. It makes me very emotional to write this. Don't underestimate what a powerful force you are, and can potentially be, for your child! You are his single greatest asset. Don't ever doubt that.
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