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Everything posted by VoluntaryPrinciples

  1. Before this morning's Sunday show Mike said that the debate/discussion is taking place Monday night, will be recorded, then uploaded to YouTube once complete asap.
  2. I stumbled across the following online java-based hypertext "game", which focuses on exploring unresolved conflict with another person via various choices through hypertext. It could be described as "browser-based therapy" and I could see it being of great value to individuals in need of such therapeutic engagement. "Player 2" by Lydia Neon - http://www.freeindiegam.es/2013/06/player-2-lydia-neon/ Per gaming news website "Rock, Paper, Shotgun":
  3. Stef, you've helped me inprove my life more than any individual I've ever known. I'm writing this with feelings of both sadness and hopefulness. Thank you for informing us of your diagnosis. I looked up lymphoma and found there to be many variants along with a wide range of "cure" rates. I know there isn't much I can do to help other than continue to support your work to the best of my ability and living the personal liberty I want to see in this world. I'm very much looking forward to seeing you again at Porcfest this year and plan on being less shy in person so that we might have a more in depth discussion (in the past I normally just said hello, gave a hug, and engaged in brief conversation). Anyways, I'm a bit out of whack emotionally right now so I can't think of what else I want to say/write other than both my wife and I send so much love to you and your family Stefan. Please keep us aprised of any updates/changes in your treatment. Thanks again for your update and I hope you have a wonderful day. [bighug]
  4. If you search online for "untested rape kits" you'll discover that it is a frequent occurrence which happens in many different places. It's hardly surprising since investigating real crimes, which involve actual victims, takes effort and resources while imposing fines, raiding businesses, and confiscating property takes less effort and raises revenue for the State. You mean the television show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" doesn't reflect real world policing in the area of sex crimes????? [/scarcasm]
  5. Ugh, you couldn't pay me to "upgrade" to Windows 8. With the way Microsoft is going, if I ever decide to switch from Windows 7 it will be to some flavor of Linux (i.e. Ubuntu).
  6. Just curious: and what about fluoride? -Dylan Great essay by Murray Rothbard concerning compulsory fluoridation in the USA: "Fluoridation Revisited" http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/rothbard85.html
  7. Very interested (I get all my news using Google Reader / RSS Feeds). Just subscribed. Much thanks. []
  8. Congratulations Stef. [applause] It's so wonderful to see how many individuals agree with me in how massively inspirational and important your work is to the cause of personal liberty. Liberty will prevail!
  9. FreedomainRadio "Hand Out" Cards (PDF) Last week the city I live in had their annual "In The Streets" (where they shut down a large portion of downtown main street for festivities/music/food...etc). I decided to create an easy to print out PDF that can be cut into 6 seperate "Hand Out" cards that have the FDR logo & state the following: "The Logic of Personal and Political Liberty [ FREE ] [ Podcasts / eBooks / Videos ] Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show in the world. [Powerful ideas for all lovers of personal and political freedom] JOIN THE CONVERSATION @ www.FREEDOMAINRADIO.com" I don't just hand them out indiscriminately, but rather, if after a brief conversation I feel they may be open to the FDR conversation I then give them one of the hand out cards. I also put them up in local coffee shops, libraries, and our local co-op grocery store. Feel free to download, print, cut-out, and hand out so we can spread this conversation as far & wide as possible! [bigsmile] FreedomainRadio "Hand Out" Cards (PDF)
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