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  1. Thanks you for the advice I think you are right, I'll take it and see if I like it. Maybe I will take some business classes too so I can see which one I would enjoy more when deciding on the major. I have already experienced some of the statist influence in my highschool business classes and I am just afraid that statism will ruin any fun I'll have learning.
  2. I am going to university soon and I am unsure if I should take economics because they will most likely teach keynesian economics. I really enjoy learning about economics I am not sure if it will be worth taking in university though? I don't know what I want to do career wise. I am hoping that I can figure it out through univerity. I also got accepted to psychology and I am torn between the two. I'd love to hear some thoughts about if taking economics in university is a good idea or will be enjoyable.
  3. Nah, I don't think feeling bad is appropriate. First of all, the money has been stolen already, regardless of whether you take it now or not (and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't lower taxes to reflect an absence of handouts anyway). Another thing is, that I'd guess to only reason you need the money is because governments has tampered so much with education and transportation, that it has become unaffordable (or less affordable), thus government first created the necessity of needing more money to begin with. And last but not least. if you've been to public schooling then this is a rather cheap restitution for the damage already done to you through that schooling. And every person who supported you being thrown in school and having your mind destroyed at that young age, while probably being tossed into the same rooms with bullies and all sorts of disfunctional people, while of course lacking any empathetic teachers (usually the case), who don't really care too much about the emotional/psychological well-being, is now paying for that, so, in a very weird and twisted way, I'd say you've probably more than earned it for the damage done to you in the name of those people. There are some anarchist who were also forced to pay of course, but I think the amount you would directly "own them back" would be too minute to even bother and I'm pretty sure, that they'd at least be happy to know that at least some of their stolen income goes out to actually helping someone who's struggling to survive "the system". But even if there are some that would rather you not have the money, the amount would be so small that even bothering to think about it for 5 second (let alone demand it back) would already create more losses even if the amount somehow got back into their hands, so from a practical standpoint, even they couldn't logically claim to want to take the actions necessary to demand it back imo. Hope that helps Thanks you make some really great points! I think you right but also one of things is that school is mostly responsible for the hard time I am having figuring out what I want to be. If they offer me something to help repair some of the damage I will take it. I think you can somewhat compare it to someone being kidnapped and accepting food that the kidnapper offers.
  4. Do you think it is wrong to accept money from the state. I am in high school and I am taking a free college course. My transportation is paid for by the ministry and I think the course too. I feel like taking this is not that bad because the government has done so much to hurt me from school. If they are offering me something that I think will help me I don't think it is wrong to take it. but I would love to hear some thoughts about this
  5. I have been thinking about the fact that I have no female friends. In fact, I have few male friends too. I am in grade 12 and guy. I have 8 close friends, all male. 3 of them go to a different school. So that leaves 5 friends (if i did my math correctly) that are at my school. The thing is all but two are from my elementary school. I have only made 2 or 3 friends since highschool started. This doesn't mean there is something wrong with me. And in the past I have not wanted to change anything in myself but I feel like there is room for growth here maybe. I do not like to approach people that I am not friends with to start a conversation. I am usually considered quiet by others, if I am not with my friends. I consider myself funny and goofy. I don't think I am very shy either. I don't think it is that I am afraid to start conversations with people outside my circle of friends, I just don't see the point. But I could be wrong there. An important rule that I have is to not try to impress anybody but myself. It helped me when I was insecure with myself. I think that might be a reason why I don't make new friends. The other part of it is my lack of girlfriends, or even any female friend. I feel like I would like to have a girlfriend. I think it is because if I could have on really intimate relationship, it wouldn't really matter if I liked to make new friends or not. Which thinking about it now, would be a lot of pressure on someone. I know I might have made this vague or confusing but if anyone can add some insight here I would really appreciate it
  6. And yeah that's a good point. Just because we share the same views doesn't mean we'll be friends but its good to have people to talk about that stuff. I'm 17 btw
  7. thanks, the typing chat isn't really doing it for me for some reason though
  8. I don't have many friends. I have a group of like 5-7 friends that we do everything together. None of them have the same philosophical views as me which leaves me feeling kind of lonely sometimes (like tonight). Can anyone give me some advice?
  9. That's a great point and metaphor thanks!
  10. Ok that's what I was thinking. The land exists and you can call it whatever you want but Canada as a country does not exist because a country is not merely a geographical location but a government as well. Thanks for the help!
  11. I thought I understood metaphysics relatively well but a conversation I had recently has got be a bit confused. I told my friend that Canada does not exist. He said that it does in the same way a can of pop exists. The name "Can" does not exist but the material object it describes. He said Canada is just a discription of land.
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