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  1. I could fill the screen pointing out the nonsense this guy exhaled into what turned out to be the same conversation almost all of us have had with a jilted communist, and I remain astounded Stef allowed as much verbal diarrhea to go unchecked, however, I would just like to add one point that amused me in particular. (And yes I realize Stef let was letting the communist hang himself with the rope he resource reallocation continuity equilibrium quantifier spaghettii frootloop waaahhhh "I came out on the small end of a business transaction 10 years ago." "It's not fair I tell you"...)Anyway, when he said paraphrasing of course, "...long after he has his needs meet..." Speaking of former President All-Star W Bush Jr. I thought, how does he know that his "needs" are meet? If your need is to be the biggest, well in this case asshole, then Bush still had room to go, just look at how far Obama has climbed up that mountain. But case in point, how's to say what another's "needs" are? I envisioned Peter being perfectly content having me in a pooh collection tube being feed vitamin fiber water and saying, "that's all you need." or rather his super cyborg 9000 C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R saying it for him. And what hit me personally is that I "gamble", or play Poker really. So, in this utopia how can I have that "need" met? One has to risk scarce resources in order to gamble, even for pure pleasure. And although I'm more technical about +ev play in poker and am an advantage player in blackjack it is said when you see a guy betting tens of thousands of dollars and up that "that's what it takes to get his dick hard." That's a "need" he has that which the market provides a service, and without scarcity all of us degens would be out of luck. Pun intended. Found it amusing. That's all carry on my wayward friends. Okay that was Kansas. I'll stop..."In the name of love" Must have been the podcast I 8.
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