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Hey guys, I have started a Let's play of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, if you don't know anything about the game, it is a dystopian set future with an engrossing story. You can choose how you wish to play the game, through combat, stealth, hacking and social. You can switch between the gameplay types as there is no set way of completing objectives. In this case, I will be playing the game through non lethal means, I.e I don't kill people (which is more anarchist friendly ) and also I will be playing on hard mode. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytc9OG4sp0c Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oby96sgoRvU Let me know what you think, regards.
Looking through history, you will only find that The Old have been committing atrocities against the young. They have always treated us like cattle for them to harvest resources from us since the records began. Today is no exception, we are essentially tax cattle to the old exploiters in government. Did you know that an unborn foetus shares approximately $50,000 of debt (excluding liabilities)? Having never voted, never done anything, he/she is a debt slave to the state, a crop waiting to be harvested. Then we are propagandised, to force us to accept the state, to teach us to obey, and not to question or negotiate, these crimes against nature are called "public schools". Then, when we are finally allowed to work, and finally escape the clutches of statism, we are forced to hand over approximately 50% of our earnings to our slave masters called the state. The money is taken to fill the gullet of our old exploiters, and to further their tyranny, by propagandising more, and taking more power for themselves. Then when the state runs out of bribes to keep us subdued from revolting. They send us to war. Not only do governments get to kill off the young, but they get us to kill each other off. This ensures their unholy racket continues. Die Brücke is a great example of an accurate war film, it correctly shows how war is just a slaughterhouse for kids that do not want to be there. When are we going to stop arguing our petty differences with each other, and target the actual people with a gun to our head? Our grey haired exploiters, who have stolen more than the world from us. They are afraid of us, that is why they keep us in cages and try to control our every move. They are afraid we will say no more, and build a society based on principles, and not exceptions, what has no place for the pillagers and parasites that inhabit our current world.
Hello everyone, I was thinking there could be a microphone/webcam chat room for those FDR oriented, feel free to drop in to chat: http://tinychat.com/libertytalk
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had experience with the BTC miners by ButterFlyLabs. Has anyone purchased one of their rigs and/or recieved one? I am considering the 5GH/s or the 25GH/s model. The "products are shipped according to placement in the order queue, and delivery may take 2 months or more after order. All sales are final." concerns me though. Regards,
Well, fictional characters are... fictional- I.e not true. Similiar to propaganda. The TV shows I do watch are things like Kitchen Nightmares were one of the best chefs in the world goes to resteraunts going under for advice on how to be better. Bear Grylls, UK Apprentice, since it is based in reality with real people.Comparing a fictional cartoon pony to a person in a call in show discussing economics, philosophy and personal issues is not the same, they are not equal. I don't see the similiarity at all. My experience of cartoons/fiction/anime was that of pure procrastination and distraction from reality.
London here, I agree, there should be a meetup.
Are you sure you do not watch it to detatch yourself from reality?I had that with many cartoon/anime shows, where it's kind of a way of taking your way out of reality, and I am glad I do not watch them any more. Getting your inspiration from fictional characters is kind of sad. If you do watch it for philosophical value, why not just watch something philosophical or read a book regarding pyschology?
Hey man, I feel pretty anxious about saying this. I expect to be attacked instead of met with curiosity on this topic. I want to say that I'm not criticizing you. I'm not trying to call you out. I am only sharing my experience of this discussion. You state that a high carb diet has been "proven to be the best caloric breakdown." Maybe that's true. Maybe it's not. But you didn't offer any proof or sources for your claim. That's fine. That's totally fine. But you ask Kirk42 to leave your thread because he does the exact same thing that you have. This is a total violation of UPB. Your standards are higher for others than they are yourself. I felt angry when you said that this topic was your thread. It's not. If anyone can claim ownership to the boards, it's Stef. He runs it. He pays for it. The next people who have a share is the people who donate. Kirk42 is a Philosopher King, he donates a significant amount of money to the boards. You don't donate. The boards are more his than yours, and even that fails in comparison to Stef's claim. Evidence has been proven to show that sugar can be converted to fat and that Americans who are fat often have high carb diets. These arguments do place your original claim that carbohydrates don't make people fat into question. They don't necessarily disprove it, but there is a a degree in which you could be wrong. In another topic, you mention that you have grandiose and narcisstic tendancies. I think that you are experiencing them here. I could be wrong, but my narcissism alarms are ringing. In Kirk42's first post, he said that you were wrong. You completely ignored my post. I asked about the ratio, and you didn't provide me with an answer. I asked what the ideal diet would be like. You didn't answer that. Why did you engage with Kirk42 and not me? What happens if you're wrong? What happens if low carb diets are just as healthy as high carb diets? What happens if the all-powerful and all-knowing god that you want to be is wrong and fallible? I'm only bringing this up because I see this as an opportunity for you to grow, and it's also an opportunity for me to grow as well. If you want to be great, here is your chance. Well, nature itself is my source- there is no calorie restriction in nature, no animal limits calories- and if they do, they are eating the wrong thing. Our closest ancestors infact had a diet comprising 98% of Ruffage/Fruit, and 2% insects- low fat/low protein. Plus there is the simple fact, that there is zero low carb pro athletes- that should say a lot. Sure, and the people giving these anti-sugar lectures are all overweight, so just logical thinking- says it's wrong. What is high carb anyway? the everyday person considers donuts, pizza, burgers to be high carb foods. I'm talking about fruits, grain and vegetables, which have around 90% of calories coming from carbs. What Joe Shmo considers 'high carb' is such foods: http://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/usda/chocolate-coated-or-frosted-doughnuts?portionid=39032&portionamount=1.000 http://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/pizza-cheese This is not 'high carb', this is high fat. The carbs are innocent, the carbs on that donut are scared to death. I'm not a scientist, or researcher? you know why? Because I like things easy. If I want to grow a watermelon, I'm not going to put those seeds in concrete, I'm going to put them in soil- I like things easy- not over complicated and reliant upon memorising nonsense. I just look at the basic reality, and make an easy conclusion based on results- so if you are expecting me to be a graph hound, seek someone else.
Right back at you, please leave my thread.
Except all of these people will stay lean throughout their life, wheras most people that are only sustained by bad diet ontop of stimulants will inevitably catch up with themself as they grow older- as proven by the video I posted, Mark Sissan, and the low carb lot have blown out completely, wheras the high carb people 40/50/60 are all lean.
So what? China is liying about how much rice they eat? I am liying about how much rice/fruit/veg I eat too? haha. Check out this guy, he eats way more carbs/sugar than me, and has been doing it for 10 years straight- he practices with pro cyclists, and has training videos of him with Lance Armstrong and really the best of the best- he says exactly what I say: Many models also eat this way, since it sucks you right up, very low body fat %: Again, eats about the same amount of calories as I. Keep telling yourself I'm liying. haha.
Sorry, but anyone claiming to be a guru or expert on health and nutrition should not be overweight- hence why I am not listening to him. If I want to stay slim and healthy, I am not going to seek advice from someone overweight & unhealthy. If I want to get richer, I won't seek advice from a poor person. Just basic logic.
No, that is not true. You need energy to begin with to have sustainable exercise in the first place. EVERYONE should eat unlimited carbohydrate calories, as it is not stored and fat, and it benefits every cell in your body.
It's called cutting & bulking because ther diet is wrong. Anyone can eat no carbs or no calories for a while, and will lose a lot of weight- but it never works long term since the body always catches up. Every body is the same, we are all humans and have the same digestive system- so to say that one diet doesen't work for someone, while working for others is simply incorrect.
It's not about the calories, it's about the nutritional breakdwon of calories carbs/fat/protein. If I ate a big mack every day I would blow out and would not have much energy to be active.