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Everything posted by mikep

  1. i just watched that video nudity, privacy and shame, and i was very surprised to hear stef espouse anti-nudity views .... he said, some things are better done in private etc, you shouldnt be naked in front of your kids, but he didnt give any reasons why. what are the reasons ? i feel the opposite, that nudity is perfectly natural, and that clothes are the oddity. i think that shame is a negative emotion and that feeling any kind of shame about your own body, in any way, is a very poor way of looking at yourself, and can only be bad for you. how about some pride ?! baby cows see their parents naked all the time, as do monkeys, and fish, and birds, and all the other animals. why is it that people so often think that young humans will be damaged in some way by exposure to nudity or sexuality? i disagree completely with this notion, and feel that the damage is done by the very act of hiding it away, or by teaching children that nudity is somehow wrong and something to be ashamed of. why shouldnt a child see their parents naked? or vice versa? why shouldnt anyone see anyone naked ? influence of religion if you ask me, thats why! is stef secretly an uptight mormon ?
  2. i like the therapist i dont see how talking about things can change them, ive thought about my past a million times ..... its certainly not making me feel any different is there anything in particular i should do ? i just heard you guys say "go to therapy" sometimes, so i did it, but "now what?"
  3. hi i have been going to therapy recently, its ok, but i never know what to talk about sometimes, the therapist will say that she doesnt want to take people back to their past, and rather focus on talking about present issues. i have said that perhaps if i talk about the past it will help me understand the present better etc ... i know that you guys often say therapy is good etc, but is there any more specefic information ? im not really feeling a lot of benefit at the moment, and id like to get as much out of the sessions as possible .... i have about 15 sessions left
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