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Everything posted by Fel1x

  1. I noticed that podcast 3088 Pathological Altruism - Call In Show - September 30th, 2015 has a lot of sibilance which is not a major thing in and of itself. Once you notice it you can hear it quite well. Even using minor de-essing at around 7.11kHz would make the podcasts sound more pleasant and professional. https://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may09/articles/deessing.htm
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  2. What happened with FDR 3059? The podcast sounds sonically just appalling.
  3. A condenser or even a tube microphone would sound better with average listening equipment and lot better with more expensive equipment. Using good EQ and compressor settings is like good color grading in a movie (eg. Amelie and Fight Club), you might not notice it, but when you do it makes all the difference. So having a signature sound which is muddy and boomy is not giving a good impression. Here's an example of how good and balanced a really good tube microphone sounds.
  4. I was listening to podcast FDR3047 Conquering Stefan’s Ancestors - Call In Show - August 7th, 2015 and I noticed I had trouble understanding what Stef was saying, because his voice was very boomy and the overall sound was quite muddy. My suggestion is to use for example this following tutorial to do a high pass filter EQ. I'm sure you do editing on the voice, but this podcast was very boomy and muddy. I was using a pair of Genelec G Two's behind an Roland UA-25EX for the listening. http://music.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-process-vocals-for-podcasts-or-voiceover--audio-6969
  5. I listened to a recent podcast where there was talk about CDN-package overages. Since this is a growing show I might suggest a Pay As You Go CDN like CDN.net which is quite flexible, because you can choose your locations depending on your needs, also you won't incur overage charges. I don't have experience with CDN.net, but there references seem legit.
  6. I still get the same error even in the FDR web player.
  7. FDR2568 shows that it's 1:18 minutes, is there something wrong with the file?
  8. Things have progressed a bit after my last post. I found that porn was in a way a lid to really deep and strong emotions for me. Yesterday and the day before when I was thinking and feeling the anxiety and fear I had as a teenager and really sinking in to them The emotions were very powerful. I got really deep and strong anger, a knife twisting in my heart, which was very agonizing and even some rage. Hatred and sadness after those emotions. Next I felt really tired and sleepy.
  9. My impossible situation has most likely to do with the impossible situation my mother put me in when I was teenager. Truth or lie, I suffer. I think that porn for me is not a useful release, because I use it as a way to reduce anxiety. It's like postponing dealing with the issue at hand and not talking about it with my spouse. So in that way it's dishonest to her and me and it drifts us apart and hurts the relationship.I feel numb and guilty during and after watching and/or masturbating to porn. I'm not able to pinpoint where the numbness comes from. Why would I do it when it provokes guilt and numbness? It certainly doesn't relieve anxiety but worsens it.
  10. Could you elaborate on what you mean?
  11. Hi, I have a long history with lying, particularly with my mother.I used to practice trumpet playing when I was a teenager. My mother was pushing me to practice, constantly reminding and asking if I had practiced. So I told her to stop bugging me about practicing and she then promised not to. A few days later she would be doing the same thing again. The same thing happened tens of times. I started to lie to her that I had practiced even though I hadn't. It felt really awful. If I told her that I hadn't practiced, she would give me a lecture about how I'll thank her later for pushing me to practice. The truth was that every time she walked past my room I would feel fear that she'll remind me and this continued for years and years. I also felt guilty for not practicing.I resented practicing and I was essentially forced to lie and to make up stories of how I had practiced. This happened on a daily basis and it felt terrible every time.Wow, I didn't realise that I was trained to make up stories of feelings and thoughts I never had and to suppress those I really had. Well, this might be a story too, so who knows. At least the feelings were real and I couldn't be honest even though I wanted to.
  12. I have a similar problem to your boyfriend and I am a child of a single mother. My spouse considers watching porn and masturbating as something which undermines our relationship. I had promised her that I'll do my best in not watching porn.She then asked me a few weeks later if i had watched porn. I had, but I lied to her and she asked or many times that are you sure. I said no. Every time I said no I felt terrible anxiety, tension in my chest, cold sweat, stress and panic. I wanted to escape the situation. I tried telling her later that I lied, but when I tried I felt the exact same emotions as when lying before. The situation was overwhelming and I just couldn't tell her even though I wanted to. I've tried to tell her for months, but I can't. It overwhelms me every time I try and as a whole it brings up lots of emotional trauma and pain.I'm not equating your boyfriend to me, but the way you described your boyfriend sounded a lot like me.
  13. Here in Finland garbage collection is in private hands. For example in our building we can recycle almost anything you can imagine and because of that we have five different trucks coming each week. Recycling is considered a responsible thing to do and people might even brag about how they can recycle everything in their apartment building or vice versa complain how poor recycling opportunities they have in their building.
  14. I was just wondering that which cdn provider are you using?
  15. The cdn is working quite nicely, I'm getting download speeds of around 4,8MB/s.
  16. For some reason 2473 downloads from go daddy, but others download from London. My ping from the cdn is 62ms, when from go daddy it was 225ms.
  17. Right before I posted my message and it still happens.
  18. I'm downloading fdr2473 and I'm averaging about 100Kb/s. I checked my connection logs and looks like I connected to godaddy instead of the cdn.
  19. Whoa, that's great! Congratulations to Stef and all the people who have helped him to achieve this milestone!
  20. Here's a good overview of why latency matters and why a CDN is a good idea. The more time you spend transmitting to client the longer the queue gets. Link to original text.http://blog.cachefly.com/2012/02/15/understanding-traceroute/#.UkKHFqdRWId
  21. I found that CacheFly has ready integration for podcasts, excellent reviews and lots of PoPs. It just came to my mind that a CDN could also be for donators only for added value. http://www.cachefly.com/podcasts.html http://small-business-cdn-review.toptenreviews.com/
  22. Hi I'm experiencing really slow download speeds lately, 300Kb/s on average. Usually my speeds have been around 1.7Mb/s. My ping is avg. 225ms on 4G LTE and I'm 27 hops away and I live in Finland. Have you considered a CDN for delivering podcasts?
  23. Stef has a good podcast on this subject FDR891, it really helped me to understand why similar convos happened to me.
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