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    International man of mystery

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  1. This strikes me as someone who's very wealthy (top 1 %) lashing out because she is buthurt and claiming to be fighting for women's rights.
  2. Not a philosophy, but some observations from experience. There are 3 types of workers: 1. Overachievers or workaholics: for these types you don’t need to manage them, just point them in the right direction and make sure they have everything they need. 2. Regular people: they want to do a good job, but aren’t going to take initiative or go the extra mile. 3. Slackers: they won’t work unless you are standing on top of them and yelling at them. The key is hiring the right people. If it isn’t your business you are constrained by how much you can pay. You aren’t going to get many overachievers applying to work at McDonalds. To overcome low pay you can try to inspire people to work for you, but you would need to have a business is actually inspiring (think Apple). To motivate slackers you have to intimidate them through aggression, and fear. Since it isn’t your business I wouldn’t even try. You could to hire a 6 foot tall guerilla as a manager and tell him he gets a bonus for improved performance metrics. Your best bet is to hire a new employee every month, and when you find a good worker, fire your worst performer. There is a certain amount of ruthlessness necessary to be a leader. Your workers are not your friends and you may have to force them to do things they don’t want to. You should try to help them develop professionally and pay them fairly, but your objectives come first. The bottom line is they are there to make the business money.
  3. Don't forget, many of them would burn you at the stake if they had the power to. They are irrational and violent.
  4. Birthright citizenship was added to the Constitution after the Civil War to stop southern states from denying citizenship to freed slaves. It wouldn't be a problem if there was no welfare state. You can't have open immigration AND a welfare state. It's obvious people from poor countries are going to come to the USA to get free stuff. The more people on welfare the sooner the whole system comes crashing down (could be seen as a plus). I think it's time to leave the USA anyway, and stopped caring about this stuff a while ago.
  5. “There is nothing that is going to make people hate you more, and love you more, than telling the truth.” ― Stefan Molyneux
  6. Both men and women often behave irrationally. People devise logical plans to achieve crazy goals (example: Hitler). People do crazy things to get what they want (example: praying). Also, both men and women have a conflict between what they rationally want and what their instincts are hard wired to like. Women have been fed a fantasy that the right man will find them and then all their hopes and dreams will come true. In addition, mainstream media gives women a message that they are entitled to whatever they want (Oprah). So a woman expects the right man to magically appear, and that she will just “know” he is right. The book “The Secret” is an example of this magical thinking, where you get what you want because you deserve it. Women do also think rationally, and there is a conflict between these aspects of their personality. This is why women say they want a nice guy (the rational mind at work) and then date douchebags. The woman’s instincts are attracted to the dominate and cocky personality of the douchebag, and then her rational mind justifies having sex with him. Men on the other hand have been raised to embrace competition and measure men by their achievement. A man is raised to think he must go out and find a woman and win her over. He builds his worth through education, career and status. He follows a logical series of steps to get what he wants. The man will try to logically determine if he has found the right woman by evaluating her. He may however be using ex post facto justification.
  7. It helps to understand how a woman thinks in order to empathize with her if you want to have successful relationships with women. In general they are as different as night and day. Women rely mostly on intuition and emotion. Men mainly rely on logic and can be oblivious to subtext, intuition, and others emotion. There are myriad books, movies, and comedy routines that illustrate this. "Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" Rex Harrison
  8. AncapFTW: All this talk of fraud and braking contracts OH MY! Are you going on a date with a friend or hiring a prostitute? Women are not idiotic children, they know men will bullshit them in order to sleep with them. Did it ever occur to you that women want to enjoy a fantasy of landing a perfect man? With pickup, you are talking about a woman who goes home with a man she just met in a club or has only been on a few dates with. These women know what’s up. They didn’t go home with the guy expecting a marriage; they expected a one night stand. They are probably drunk, and are exercising bad judgment, but they are adults who are responsible for their choices.
  9. Don't be too hard on your friend, he is young, immature, and letting his penis do the thinking. You don't have any claim to her and she would have gone with someone else eventually. I can understand the hurt feelings, but she isn't your girlfriend and therefore you can have no expectations of her. You can't reject her and tell anyone else she is off limits. It seems selfish that you don’t want to have sex with her but don’t want anyone else to have sex with her either.
  10. Thank god I'm an atheist
  11. My guess is she's more of a sales person than investment guru. If she new what she was doing would she need the job, or would she be wealthy?
  12. But without government how would people sit in traffic all day??? (Sarcasm) Yet another example of the insanity in the modern statist world.
  13. No way. First I don’t know you. Secondly, a wedding reception is a waste of money.
  14. This is what I have done so far: I am a web developer, the most in demand skill set on the planet. I got a Masters Degree in Information Technology (one of the most in demand degrees) from Harvard, the top ranked school in the world. I learned to speak Spanish, so leaving the USA is a viable option. I am ex-army combat arms, so I know how to defend myself. Most of my savings are in bitcoin. I have a six month supply of freeze dried food. I also know how to do home improvements and have all the necessary tools. I don’t play games :-) I am looking to sell my house. I would like to learn how to repair cars and motorcycles.
  15. The talk of following your passion is mostly a fantasy. When people love doing something it most likely pays little. This is especially true for art. There are very few people looking to buy art at a price you can make a living off of. Good jobs are hard to come by these days, so don’t carelessly give one up. First you should finish your training and become an accredited surgeon. After that, if you want to change; try moving into an administrative position or a teaching position. Look for more free time and then use the time for your hobbies or to start a business. The best thing to do is be an entrepreneur. In everything else you are dependent on others to give you work. After a few years in health care you may see an opportunity for a related business.
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